One Shot ILWMB Competition...

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Ok, if you've read the last chapter, you'd know what i'm talking about when i mention the one shot competition... If you are planning on entering it, you should read ALL of this !! Eh, if you're not planning on entering it, read it too :D

What is it? o.o 

This basically is, a competition, for the fans of this book... You as the fans will get to make your own short (or long) stories in relation to this story. You can enter it to me by email or dedicate it to me on this website... A winner will be chosen along with two runner ups... 

How long does it have to be?

It can be as long as you want it to be or as short as you want it to be! I honestly don't mind, i'll just be picking winners based on the quality of it spelling, grammar and that other ish but MAINLY the plot. But please, the maximum is 10 pages lol.... Remember you're not writing a whole book for me...

What does it have to be about? 

This book? Duh... but it has to be an event that either happens BEFORE the book or AFTER the book! E.g. Gloria meets Jacob when they're older and already moved on with their lives, Jacob is at school and when they're a wee bit younger and is already started causing masses of trouble with Gloria, it's totally up to you! It doesn't even have to be based off of Gloria and Jacob to be honest... 

How can i enter my submission? 

First of all, you can enter it right here! Make a short story either named "ILWMB One Shot Enter" or of your own choice, i'll know it's an enter if you dedicate it to me when you do make a short story message me first that you have... another way is if you send it to be via email ( ) if you're having troubled doing that... my inbox is open to any sorts of questions. Also, if you are planning to enter, inbox me that you will be so i know how many to expect. 

What are the prizes? 

1st place, will get their submission published in the book, and a dedication also a shout out on my page and my ETERNAL LOVE! Runner Up, Published in book along with a dedication my UNENDING LOVE, 2nd Runner Up, A shout out and I will love you forever :) 

I'm not good enough to enter, though... 

Trust me! I've heard people say this before... over and over again.. This is NOT a professional thing, i don't expect it to be absolutely PERFECT, Though it does have to have some element of being at least interesting, it's creativity that counts not on experience... :) you want to be a good writer? Have some faith in yourself... And if you're really stuck on that idea that you're not a good writer, send it to me anyway :) i'll be the judge of that ! 

When does it start?


Deadline is the 12th of December ! 

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