CHAPTER #3- Bad Manners

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It was a week later when Nari told off her language teacher in English and the few Korean swear words she'd picked up from her Grams. She walked out, not crying, but relieved. The stress that had rested on her shoulders lifted.

Walking home she sent a text to Simon D and Jay Park. 'The universal language of the middle finger is what I introduced my language teacher to today. LOL'

Simon D called her, "you didn't... really?"

"Yeah, I just figured I wasn't learning anything and just getting stressed out. When he picked on me, I let it go for a while, then in broken Korean, mostly English I told him off. It felt so good."

"Will your mom be disappointed?"

"No, she'll laugh at me being rebellious and tell me to act it out using Grams as the teacher."

"I dig your mom. She's a cool lady."

"Thanks, anyway call me later when you've got time."

She arrived home and was relieved that her grandmother wasn't there. Her mother had smoothed things between her and Grams, but the truce was on shaky ground. Nari went into her mom's room. First she took out the flowers that had withered, from the bouquet that Simon D had brought. Then she checked to see if her mom was awake.


"Hi honey. How was your day?"

Nari explained and acted out the incident. As expected her mother laughed dryly. She asked for some juice and then sat up in bed, with some assistance.

"Honey I have a favour to ask you and I don't want you to tell your grandmother. This is just for you and I. Would you take me to the Moonlight Rainbow tonight, if the weather is nice?"

"Are you sure mom?"

"Yes dear. I never saw that growing up and it sounds beautiful. Maybe you could ask that nice guy Simon Dominic to help us."

"Okay your wish is my command, but how are we going to get you past grandmother?"

"I'll tell her I need some medicine refilled, that will take her a few hours."

"Wow, who knew you were so devious!" Nari exclaimed and kissed her mom. "I'll call Simon D  now. Did you want to talk to him yourself?"

"Yes please," Mrs. Im answered.

"Hi Simon D, it's Nari, my mom has a request and would like you to help us. She'll explain in Korean.... Mom go ahead he's on speaker phone."

Mrs. Im explained about wanting to see the Moonlight Rainbow fountain bridge. Then in quick fire Korean, so there was no way that Nari could understand, she explained, "once I've passed away, there is a journal I left my daughter under my mattress. It also has my attorney information and a copy of my updated will. Can you make sure that when we leave tonight, that you take it with us?"

"Yes... is this your last good-bye to her?" Simon D asked knowingly.

"You're observant. Yes dear, I'm leaving soon."

In English he said, "okay I've got the details and Nari will call me as soon as Grams leaves. See you tonight ladies."

Simon D went to find Jay Park. He needed his advice and maybe assistance. He explained the situation and his co-CEO wanted to be there to help too.

"If this is her good-bye, we could arrange a picnic of sorts. More flowers like those you already bought her. Have Dj Pumkin provide music, we could sing for her. We'll pick them up in my SUV, as it's easier for Mrs. Im to move in and out of."

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