CHAPTER #33- Falling Together

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"Hi, Jonghyun. I got your message. I know you're really busy, but drop by my studio.... Yes I'll be here. No worries." Nari hung up the phone.

He was going to come by after a photoshoot. Since it would probably run late, she decided to see if the artistic block was gone. Looking over the different sizes of mounted canvas, the extra large one drew her eye. She got it supported, running a hand over the blank area. Turning to the paints, Nari began to mix. Her hand became the paintbrush. Like a little kid, discovering art for the first time, she slid her hand across the canvas. It felt good and eventually the brush was taken up again. So absorbed by painting, Nari didn't hear the door chime when Jonghyun arrived.

"Hello? Nari?" Jonghyun called out.

"Just back here painting!"

He walked around looking at the art and found his sister's friend's kid's paintings. His smile grew, when he saw Nari's distinctive style in the art hanging on the wall. "This is great stuff. Is any of it for sale?"

"Yeah, all of it that you see." She stopped her brush stroke and went to clean up.

"Can I buy the one called 'Thunder God', it's cool how you broke it into three pieces."

Nari came to see the one he wanted. "Thanks.... you can buy this or I can do a commissioned piece for you."

Jonghyun grinned, "well then, I want both."

"Ok... I thought you'd be coming by later." She took down the art he wanted and went to wrap it.

"Since I was first done from our group, leaving early worked out. So does Ki-Seok know how awesome you are? Is he still ignoring you?" Jonghyun teased. Then added more seriously, "did you guys work out the stuff that went down at Jay's party?"

"He's not ignoring me. And we talked about it. I wanted to thank you for being so discreet. I was going to give your friend's kid some free lessons, but since you're getting commissioned art from me, I'll give it to you half price, as thanks."

Jonghyun winked, "pleasure doing business with you." He looked at the piece she was working on and realized that she was carrying a lot of self doubt. If he wanted to be a jerk, he could easily take Nari to be his woman, by manipulating the situation. But that's not who he was. Instead he sent a text to Simon D, to visit Nari, if he was in town.

Nari asked a few questions, to get a feel for what she'd design in the commissioned piece for him. "I'll figure out the concept and might message you for more info. How long are you in town Jonghyun?"

"Message me anytime, I have a fantastic roaming package on my cell, so you can get me even out of town..... If you need a friend that isn't connected to AOMG, then I'm available."

He was rewarded with a genuine smile. "Thanks Jonghyun, I'll... I mean, Simon D and I, will be okay."

Jonghyun took the purchased art and left. He wasn't surprised that Simon D called him shortly after. "I went by Nari's studio to buy some art. After seeing the piece she's currently working on... well I just think you should go by if you can. I can't really be more specific than that."

Simon frowned, "alright. Thanks for the heads up. What was her mood like?"

"Introverted and maybe melancholy. It's what she was creating on the canvas, that made me think you should visit if you can. I have to go, later."

After sending a text to Nari that he would come visit, Simon D wasn't relieved when he got a text reply telling him to pick something up from Dudart on his way there. That meant she was very absorbed in her art. In one way it was good, because at least she was over her artist block, but it was bad if she was dwelling on his mistake. Simon D couldn't concentrate on work. He finished booking his time for TV shows and interviews, around his out of town appearances and performances. Then he left to go see Nari.

Whether it was Fate bringing them together or just coincidence, Simon D's visit was timed perfectly. Nari was just entering her apartment via the studio stairs, when a huge spider ran from her slippers to over her toes. Completely freaking out, caused Nari to begin to fall backwards, down the stairs. Because she screamed in shock, her gum went down her throat. Simon D had just come in and ran to the stairs, hearing her shriek. He caught her before Nari's head hit the stairs. Seeing her choking, his immediate reaction was to do the Heimlich Maneuver. The gum came flying out and then her tears began.

"Hey baby, I've got you, you're okay Nari. It's okay," Simon said over and over, as she sobbed in his arms.

He took them into her apartment and waited for her shock to end. Finally Nari spoke. "There was a huge spider and I jumped back, falling and choking. I thought I was going to die and you saved me. Ki-Seok you just saved my life!"

"I'd rather fall together with you, then alone, in everything we do." Simon D kissed her tears away. Then added, "I love you so much and next time kill the spider, not yourself."

She laughed in relief and kissed him back. "My trust in you would be complete if you could find that stupid big-assed spider and kill it for me!"

"Anything for you baby," Simon replied. "Show me where you remember it going."

Holding on to him, like they were looking for a human eating monster, she pointed to where the spider had run. Simon D found it by moving the door mat. Nari squealed and jumped on to a chair. He killed it with a shoe, showing the evidence of the spider's death, squished on the sole.

"Am I your hero Nari?"

"Yes! I trust you with my heart, soul and life." She took a deep breath, stepping down to stand in front of him. "I knew you were coming by, but I thought it was later."

"A mutual friend suggested I drop by sooner than later. Then that thought nagged me, so I wasn't getting any work done... Call it fate or coincidence, either way I'm glad I was in the right place at the right time."

Nari took Simon D's hand into hers. "All I've ever wanted was someone who would stay, no matter how hard it got to be with me. You're that person. We've gone through so much, in such a short time. But just now put everything into perspective for me."

Simon nodded. "You give me something no one else can or ever will. We met by chance, but staying together and working through the hard things is all about choice. Falling in love can be easy, it's staying in love that's rare. But with us, every day feels like the first day."

"Yeah probably because I keep crying... mostly in your arms. We're just stronger together, than when apart." Nari smiled, "you've become my favourite spider killer."

He winked at her, "you're my favourite everything."

Making an instant decision Nari asked, "can you help me with a riddle?"

Simon shrugged, "sure, tell me, while I put the food out."

"So there's this table with four people who are supposed to sit there, but they have no clue where to sit. So like it's you, me, a guy named Will and a girl named Mary. Which order would they sit?"

"Um, maybe you, me, Mary and Will?" Simon asked.

"Nope, guess again." She waited for him to figure it out.

"Okay, what about Will, you, Mary, me?... Oh, wait... are you asking me to...?"


"To which question is that answer; the first one or the second?"

Nari grinned, "to both... if you want."

"Yes!" He picked her up, his happiness radiating. Simon laughed, "Yes is now my favourite word always!"

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