CHAPTER #8- Mr. Yesterday's Stress

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The club was loud and poppin' when they arrived through the back entrance. Simon D immediately took Nari's hand and lead the way to the VIP area already reserved for them. Jay Park headed to the audio stand, to greet Dj Pumkin and the crowd screamed in recognition. In the cab, Nari had been warned not to accept drinks from anyone other than the bartender, unless it was a bottle with a lid she had to remove. Loco however reassured her that there was nothing to stress out about and she should just have fun. That's exactly what happened, when Simon D danced with her, as Jay Park and Ugly Duck performed Mommae for the crowd.

Since it was AOMG's anniversary year, the guys did their cypher when the crowd chanted their company name. First was Loco, then Gray, Ugly Duck, Jay Park and it ended with Simon D. To Nari this performance was amazing and she loved that Cha Cha Malone was with her, so she could tell him how awesome they all were. It was the first time she'd seen them perform all together and finally understood how talented the AOMG crew truly were. When Simon D joined her again, Nari gave him an enthusiastic kiss, which deepened into a more intimate one when he responded back.

When they broke apart, she asked "is it okay that I kissed you in public like that?"

"Sure it is, happens all the time," he replied, trying to ease her mind.

Not visibly showing her disappointment, Nari just nodded and drank the beer. A part of her was suddenly sad, that her happiness and spontaneous kiss was just part of the norm for him. Why she'd thought their kisses were unique, made her check herself. Of course he had tons of girls all over him, even now his fans swarmed. Her sadness resulted in drinking more than she'd intended, which made her less aware. It was too late, when she saw her ex. He bumped into her on the dance floor and recognition was instantaneous for him.

"Fred... let go!" She demanded as his hand clamped down painfully on her arm.

"Whore!" He sneered in her ear.

Fear immediately sliced through the drunk haze that had muddled her mind. He dragged her through the crowd, as she struggled to be released, trying to remember her self-defence training. No one noticed that Nari was distressed, not even the door guy.

"Let me go! You have no right!" Nari shouted.

"No right? I'm your boyfriend!"

"You're my EX Fred and you know it!"

Inside the club, Jay Park noticed Simon D was looking for Nari. "Is she in the club still?"

"The door guy thinks he saw her go outside with some guy. I'll be back after I check," he yelled to be heard.

Jay Park decided to go with him and was glad he did. They found her, struggling with some guy and at the same time recognized him as the Jerk-off from Canada. Her voice held fear, but Nari was fighting him with everything she had.

"Your grandmother told me how you scammed your mother for more money. Now you're whoring it up in a club. I need to take you back and..." Fred yelled with his hand raised to hit her.

Nari had her free arm up in defence, but closed her eyes, expecting the worst. She almost fainted with relief, when she heard Simon D and Jay Park come to her rescue. "Let her go, now!"

"Who the f'ck are you?" Fred asked.

"I'm the guy who'll put you on your ass if you don't let Nari go," Simon D threatened coolly.

"Shove off, this doesn't concern you."

Jay stepped forward, "actually it does. Nari is with us and we don't like guys who hit women."

"I told you Fred, we're done. We've been done for a long time. As for my mother, don't you dare mention her. Grams is an insane old woman, blinded by greed. Just go home," Nari shouted and finally managed to wrench herself free from his grip.

Simon D and Jay Park moved so that Nari was between them, effectively cutting off her ex from any access to her physically.

While Simon Dominic called the cops, Jay asked, "why did you come to Korea?"

"Not that it's any business of yours, but her Grandmother asked me to come. Said that Nari was out of control," Fred sneered in Korean and then called Nari names, not realizing she understood.

The cops arrived and confirmed with Nari and Simon D, that she had a restraining order on her ex. They arrested him and then drove off. Whether it was relief or shock, Nari started crying.

Simon D hugged her, "hey it's okay... he's gone. He's yesterday's stress and now is your new beginning."

Jay added, "and that's what tonight's all about; your new freedom."

"How... how did you know he had me?" Nari hiccupped, wiping at her tears.

"We didn't, but I noticed you missing. The door guy said some dude took you outside. You're with me, so I had to go find out what was going on." Simon D explained.

"And I was keeping my promise to your mom, to keep an eye on you," Jay said simply.

Her breathing returned to normal and the tears stopped. "You guys saved me... I was so scared, thank you both."

"Come on, let's go back inside and have some fun." Simon D put his arm around Nari.

Jay made a call to their lawyer, asking him to follow up on Fred's arrest and assault on Nari. "I don't want him in Korea any more. Get him shipped home or keep him in jail." Jay finalized the call and then followed the pair back into the club.

They explained to the other AOMG guys what had happened and each of them offered comfort to Nari. The girls whom had been dates, took Nari into the ladies room to freshen up. Cha Cha's date noticed the developing bruise on her wrist and let him know, once they rejoined the others.

"That asshole bruised Nari's wrist. Chi-me noticed it in the washroom," Chase told Simon D.

"Shit, why didn't she tell me?" Simon D swore.

Chase shrugged and suggested, "just don't hold her there and make sure she has fun, dude."

Simon D took Cha Cha Malone's advice and did just that. Jay Park and the guys also helped get her drunk, so she was giggling like crazy at the end of the night. Simon D was beat boxing, while Loco did some rapping and then Jay Park sung a Michael Jackson song, with Gray. This occurred as they waited for cabs. Since Simon D's car was at Jay's, they shared a cab with him. Gray left with Loco and two girls. The others also went their separate ways.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~**

In the cab to Jay Park's place, Simon D freestyle rapped, to Nari's delight. It was so late when they arrived, that Simon D and Nari were invited to use the guest room again. She wanted a shower and so Jay Park gave her an oversized t-shirt and a pair of board shorts. He lent some clothes to Simon D too, knowing his friend would shower next. He and Simon D walked the puppies, while Nari was in the shower.

She came downstairs to the kitchen, waited for Simon D to go upstairs and then asked "Jay do you have some ice I could use for my wrist?" The t-shirt couldn't hide the nasty bruise left from her ex.

He gave her a gel pack from the freezer, "this should help. I didn't know he'd hurt you that bad."

Nari smiled, "you think this is bad? Ha, a little bruise like this is nothing compared to what he use to do."

Jay shook his head, "you're amazing that you can laugh about it and move on."

"No looking back right?" It was a rhetorical question. "Thanks for letting us crash here tonight, I'm exhausted.... good night Jay."

"Good night Nari and I promise, your ex isn't going to bother or hurt you again."

She nodded and headed to the guest room. Simon D was still in the shower and she got into bed, too tired to be nervous. He wore Jay's clothing and joined Nari, who was already under the covers. The light was still on beside the bed and he saw the bruise. Holding her hand gently, he kissed first the palm of her hand, then the bruise and finally her lips.

"Does that make it any better?" He asked softly.

"Not really, but it's the thought that counts," she grinned cheekily. Then because he gave her a wounded doe-eyed look, Nari added, "you're my hero for rescuing me before it got worse."

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