CHAPTER #11- Perceptions

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It was two weeks after their union, that Nari was tested with putting Simon D first. It was easier than she'd originally thought. For so many years she'd set aside what she wanted and needed for her ex. Then it was for her mother too. When it was for someone she cared for, it was natural to want to put them first. However, she was a woman and couldn't help the occasional little spark of jealousy. Thankfully no one seemed to notice.

Haru was with Nari, on their way to meet Simon D at Cafe Dudart for lunch. The child spotted him first and was tugging on Nari's hand to hurry up. She was busy making sure it was safe to cross the street and such, so it was too late by the time she looked up and saw that Simon D was with someone.

"Haru, he's busy, let's go get a treat first." Nari tried to steer clear.

"It's okay, that's Lady Jane and Simon D loves her! She likes me too!" Haru practically yelled, so that both Simon D and the beauty by his side looked their way.

"In door voice, Haru," Nari scolded gently.

The way the woman had her hand so possessively on Simon D's arm, made it hard for Nari to swallow. The way he was easy going with Lady Jane; more than just good friends, came to mind.

"Simon D! Lady Jane!" Haru said happily. "Are you having lunch with us too?"

Nari bowed to Jeon Ji-Hye and then said hello. "Sorry for interrupting."

Lady Jane treated Nari like a fan, which she was not. She ignored Nari, but said hello to Haru. "Hi honey."

Before Simon D could say a thing, Haru said, "this is Nari. She found me when I was lost. Nari's Korean is better now. Can I have cake?"

The thoughts were scattered, but the three adults present understood. It seemed like Simon D had remained silent for too long. "You can have cake for desert, lunch comes first."

Nari could feel his eyes on her, waiting to see if she'd act all jealous. But, instead Nari excused herself and Haru, then they went to get lunch. He'd expected her to announce that they were a couple or act rudely towards his ex, like previous girls had. But maybe that was the difference; Nari was all woman.

Lady Jane, noticed Simon D's attention was on the female with Haru, instead of her. She didn't like it. "Who is she?"

He smiled, "my girlfriend Nari. I hope your audition goes well, it was nice to see you, but I'll be leaving first."

To her surprise, Simon D left to join the pair getting lunch. Had Lady Jane's hold on him completely vanished? Her cell rang, forcing her to leave Cafe Dudart, but not before she saw him take Nari's hand in his.

"Can I have the soup, please?" Haru asked, pointing to what she wanted.

"Anything you want and which slice of cake for desert?" Nari asked. She couldn't read Simon D's mood, after the encounter with his ex, even though his hand was in hers. Casually she asked, "did you already eat?"

"Nope, I'll have the same as you."

Nari nodded and then paid for the three of them, before Simon D could. He expected her to grill him about his ex and their discussion, but she didn't. Was she too angry to ask about her? Simon D was getting what he wanted, but this was new and how should he handle it? Let the innocence of childhood take over, as Haru began telling Nari all about him and Lady Jane.

"She was Simon D's girlfriend for years. They love each other. Then they broke up and Simon was unhappy. Are you going to marry her Simon?" Haru fired off words, between eating her soup.

"Haru, don't talk with your mouth full of food, it's not polite. I'm glad that Simon D got to see someone so important to him. And if he plans to marry her or anyone else in the future, I'm sure he will let you know."

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