CHAPTER #23- With A Tablespoon Of Insight

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When they were doing the sound check, Jay said to Simon D, "I bet Nari liked our kisses and that's why she was so pissed."

"Who wouldn't like the attention from the two of us? But I hope she doesn't tell my mom, when we go see my family tomorrow for lunch."

Jay's hand rose in a fist to his mouth, "oh shit! I never thought about that... you don't think she would say anything do you? Nari seemed pretty embarrassed by it all."

"She's a woman and already phone pals with my mom. And since Nari's mom is gone.... I'm dead," Simon groaned.

"Tomorrow at lunch, don't let her sit near your mom and don't leave them alone together."

"Now, that's good advice Jay... thanks."

"Um ya know, when you'd done that to my girl... I was worried she'd dump me for you... until her fist connected with your face."

"I'd never take your girl, unless you wanted me to. You know that right?" Simon asked, giving him a side glance of concern.

"Yeah, I know. And same here... but damn can your girl kiss!" Jay teased his co-CEO and partner in crime.

She was there too and walked up just as he said that. They both thought she'd started yelling at them.

"I know how to use my lips to please a man," Nari smiled and winked, then walked away.

Both Jay Park and Simon D stood there with their mouths open. Then in unison said, "damn!" Drawing out the word, voicing their respect.

Gray witnessed the exchange and said to her, "you should've just slapped them both."

Nari grinned, then pulled him close, so only he could hear. "To be honest, I kinda liked that they took my mind off the shit flight, just not how they went about doing it... but that's our secret!"

He pulled back and started laughing hard. "Nari, you're the best!"

Both Simon D and Jay Park's eyes narrowed. They were dying to hear what Gray and Nari had said to each other. The rest of the rehearsal, both teamed up on Gray, demanding to know what was so funny.

Gray held up his hands, "oh hell no! I'm not betraying her trust, like you two did!" He ran away, laughing at them.

As usual, they went out as a group to eat, before the show. Nari was quieter than normal and when Jay Park or Simon D asked her anything, she gave very short answers. It wasn't because she was still mad, but due to feeling like she was more of a pest to them, than helpful. Already causing drama thanks to the flight. Why did the guys want her to come with them for their concerts? Not often did other girlfriends come along or get invited, so why her? Okay she was meeting Simon D's family, but probably this would be the last time they'd let her come. Part of her was relieved and another part saddened.

Gray and Loco got Nari laughing and in good spirits, by show time. She tried to be useful, handing them towels to wipe sweat, water bottles to drink and spray at the crowd, etc. When Loco slipped on some of the water, Nari ran out and wiped it up, then retreated to the wings of the stage. While Jay Park was performing his song Mommae, Loco grabbed her hand and pulled her on stage, blocking her escape. Simon D noticed and came up behind her, hearing Nari's protests.

"I can't dance! What are you doing?!"

"I've got you baby, just lean back, you know this rhythm," Simon teased. His arm went around her waist and he ground up on her, "that's it Nari."

He didn't trap her long, as he had a bit to rap on the song too. Jay Park took his place dancing with her and then Gray helped with escape. Nari's face was flushed, being totally embarrassed. Why had they done that to her? Humiliation, was the only answer she came up with. Nari left and took a cab to the hotel.

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