So I was at school today. 3rd Period to be exact. When our teacher calls us over, ALL of the GIRLS and tells us that we wont be allowed to wear "yoga pants, too tight sweats" etc.Now, me being the person I am, is pretty shocked. Isn't school about going to learn, not focusing on what we wear? But apparently a teacher (Mr.D) was complaining about it. Of course, everyone including most teachers agree with it being okay to wear yoga pants and such .I've seen many guys wearing pretty tight clothing, so it really doesn't make sense, now does it? So I've decided to group a bunch of girls and guys that agree with me and peacefully protest, write an essay and make a petition.
This might seem like a small little thing, but it's not. Everything makes a difference.
Please spread the word about #Dontsexualizewejustwanttoexercise.
I'm done with this, seriously. We should be able to wear anything.
Thank you <3
Poems by Yasmin
PoesíaWell this is a bunch of poems I wrote that express who I am and what I feel. (And quotes I like too.) If it sucks too bad don't read it and if you like it thanks so much :) I also describe what it's like to be me... a weird, overweight, teen girl...