Someone tries to hurt you

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I'm sorry if this wasn't as good. I've been sick for over two weeks so my mind is kind of still fuzzy when I write something. Please forgive the bad author I am!


You came home late from work as Darkrai was out visiting his sister who he hasn't seen since the meeting up visit. You yawned as you climbed into bed and fell asleep safe and sound.

A door creaking could be heard as you woke up gently from the noise. You looked at the clock to see it was 2 o'clock in morning. You shrugged as you though it was Darkrai coming back as he likes to take walks at night.

The door to your room opened up as a shadow of a human figure could be seen. You barley opened your eyes to see more, until your heart almost stopped.

In the moonlight gleamed sliver, a knife? You screamed and jump out of the way in time as the knife just missed you by an inch as it impaled the bed.

Darkrai heard your scream from your shadow as he quickly shadow traveled and trapped the man in a nightmare.

Darkrai held you close to him as he let you cry from the scary experience. You fell asleep in his arms afterward as he took care of the man alone.


It was a while sense you've done a pokemon battle, so you decide to do one. The challengers Chansey when down as you jumped in victory.

Your opponent growled as he grabbed a knife from his packet as he threw it straight at you, completely mad you won.

You gasps as you had no time to move, until the knife glows blue as Diagla stopped it in time.

"How dare you attack my lady?! The world doesn't need hearts like yours!"

The knife turned around as you couldn't watch and turned around in time as the man screamed in pain.

Diagla took you away as he checked you over for wounds.


It was game night at the game counter. Victini brought you along as he when to play games.

You bought yourself a drink to bring Victini and yours, until you accidentally tripped as it splashed all over a drunk dude.

The drunk man's head steamed with anger as he rose up and glared at your fallen figure, "You're going to *hic* pay for that bitch!"

You stared in fear as his fist when for your face, until a hand appeared out of nowhere as it belonged to an angry Victini.

Victini growled as he grabbed the man by the throat and rose him off the ground, "If you ever try to hurt my girl I'll make sure to end your human life!"

Victini threw him down as he helped clean off the alcohol on you.


You were out flying in the sky as pokemon thief as flying around on a Staraptor as he spotted you flying on Salamance.

The pulled out a dart gun as he was about to shoot until Latios flew next to him making his Staraptor loos air current.

They both screamed as they when done as Latios stood flying by your side.


You when out shopping alone again as you listen to music as you didn't noticed a shadow lurk behind you.

It grabbed your shoulder as you screamed and kick. The shadows hood came off as it was the robber who tried to steal from you before.

"Alright their pretty thing... give me your money before I kill you."

You whimpered in fear as his dagger got closer to your throat. It barley just touched your throat before Lucario grabbed the man from behind and started beating him up before checking you over.


You were at the Poke Mark with Yveltal as he when to get the flour for tonight dinner.

A man came up to you and started flirting with you as it made you uncomfortable. You pushed him away as his eyes grew dark as he grabbed your wrist.

"Look here! You don't get to touch me!"

You screamed and kicked at him as Yveltal heard and quickly sucked the life force out of him.


You were watering your garden as a man hopped over your fence. You screamed at the strange man in your yard as he growled and tackled you down to the ground.

"Shut up lady! You have enough food to last me here! So just die so I can take them!"

He grabbed your throat as you gasped for air. The next part shocked you as a pair of antlers rammed into his side.

The man fell sideways as he choked on his own blood as Xerneas quickly pulled you away from the man.


You were the smartest kid in your Observatory class as sooner than later some low failing kids were robbing you of your homework.

You trashed at them as they held you down while they took the hard word.

You screamed out Palkia's name as all of a sudden, pink energy wrapped around the three men as they disappeared. Palkia took care of them before making sure to see you were okay.


It was bake sale day as you took out all your best dishes and sold them out. You were about to pack up until a stranger came out and quickly took a small box of donuts without thinking you saw.

Lucky you did as you grabbed the man by the sleeve, "Hey! Give that back"

The man growled dangerously as he threw you onto your side making you yelp as he pulled out a dagger.

He when to strike before a fist in the stomach from Hoopa made him gasp and fall to the ground with a last beat of sound. Hoopa healed you up as you ate a donut while he did.


You didn't know what, but one of your friends betrayed you because you had everything she always wanted.

You sat on the couch as (f/n) grabbed a chair and quietly tiptoed behind you as you sat on the couch watching a movie with (f/n) as they asked to go to the bathroom. (f/n) smirked as they brought down the chair only to be stopped by Arceus.

They gasp as they tried to run away, before Arceus hit them with the chair. Arceus didn't leave you alone for a whole week.


You enter a public restroom as you need to go badly. Someone was smoking in the bathroom as you coughed at the smoke.

"Hey! I'm gonna report you!"

You yelled as the smoker women glared at you, "I wouldn't do that."

She yelled as Umbreon came in time to stop her from smashing the cigarette into you cheek.

Umbreon has a feeling of uneasy as he was right and beat up the smoker lady.


It was dark inside the house as you heard noise coming from the kitchen. You whimper as you flashed your flashlight on a thief who was stealing your food.

The thief gasped as he took out his gun to fire at you, until Zekrom came and electrocute him.

You sighed in relief as Zekrom took care of the thief before fixing the power switch.

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