He gets sick/injured

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Darkrai groaned in bed as he tossed and turned in bed, unable to get sleep. He accidentally stayed up all night playing video games. You felt bad for him as you took care of him. Sure it was his fault, but you couldn't stand him being in sleepless pain.

"Darkrai, would you like me to sing too you?"

"Y-yes please..." He replied with a raspy voice.

You smiled as you started singing. It was soft and heavenly in his ears as you stroked his hair, helping him fall asleep soundlessly...


Dialga hissed in pain as you helped bandaged up his broken arm as the white gazes needed to be changed. You threw away the bloody bandages and replaced them with new white ones as Dialga sulked in pain.

"It hurts so much..."

"I know... but just think, in this time line you weren't all broken boned."

A shiver when through him as he when pale. "I didn't think arms could twist that way..."

You helped calmed him down while kissing him and fixing his bandages, and that was hard enough.


Somehow a fire type was running a fever. I mean, you think they would be able to control it because of their powers and ability to right? Well your answer was answered now. Victini panted for air as he was sweating all over. He didn't know how he got this and neither did you. You put a wet cloth on his forehead as Victini smiled up at you.

"T-Thank you (y/n)... E-Even though I'm a jerk to you a-at times..."

"Shhh... just rest now..." He did as you told him too and rested his eyes, and you quickly pecked his lips, hoping that wouldn't raise his fever...


Latios was shivering and coughing all over as he was flying in pouring rain. He didn't listen to you and he got what he deserved. You rolled your eyes at him as you grabbed some hot water and put his feet into it as Latios sighed in relief as it felt good.

"Are you going to listen to me now?"

"Y-yes... (y-y/n)..."

"Good!" You smiled and snuggled next to him, hoping it would at least heat him up more.


Lucario sat on the couch as his left leg was twisted badly and he needed to not put any pressure on it at all. This was killing Lucario as he had nothing to do and was bored out of his mind. You sighed and put down your book as you stroked his hair.

"Do you want me to kiss you to pass time?"

His frown turned upside as it grew bigger. "Yes please!"

You rolled your eyes and kissed him... maybe even getting too heated up at one point...


He had broken one of his fingers by closing it on a door. He was sad at not just his pain, but he couldn't hold you or protect you from anyone with only one hand. You saw this and patted his hair.

"I'll be fine Yveltal. If it helps I'll stay by you until your finger fully heals!"

Yveltal smiled as he looked down at it. "That would be nice..."

You giggled and kissed the top of his head and made it up to him by giving him a nice massage.

Yveltal mumbled quietly to himself before he fell asleep. "I... love... you... so much..."


He had gotten very dizzy lately and needed to rest from time to time. This concerned you greatly as you gently grabbed his arm and led him to bed. "You need your rest. You're not fit to water the plants right now..."

Xerneas groaned as the world around him spin in circles, even making two you. He smiled at both of them. "I-I understand! (y/n) number one and (y/n) number two!"

You raised an eyebrow at him but dabbed his forehead anyways as you when along with the numbering.


It was hell for him as he had grown a big headache from the clouds and the pressure in the sky. He rolled back and forth in pain, trying to see if it would help a bit at all. You came into the room with pain killers and a glass of water for him.

"Palkia I got pain killer for you!"

"Can you please help me with it...?"

You smiled and nodded as you helped him drink down the pill and let him sleep in your lap as the thunder and lightning passed by, causing the source of the headache.


Hoopa cut his finger bad while making the donut hole for his batch. He cried and wined in pain as you sighed and put a bandage on it. "You're acting ridiculous."

"You try getting a cut this bad!" He said while sucking on the finger that had the cut.

"Try giving birth, you just lost there."


He had caught the disease you had gotten which was weird and impossible, yet he still got it. Every time he coughed up blood your heart felt it was being stabbed. You now then felt what Arceus felt as he took care of you for this. You tired your best as Arceus smiled at you with tired eyes as you cleaned his face of blood. "I-I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend..."

You smiled at him and kissed him quickly with love. "I love you too... please don't die on me..."

"Don't worry, I won't ever die..."


He had hurt his back from jumping in and out of mirrors so much as he wouldn't get up from the bed without screaming in pain. To help you got a heat warmer and stayed by his side while he slept. "You're a pain in the butt sometimes... you know that right...?"

Gira snored in agreement as you smiled and snuggled up against him, making sure not to hurt his back in the process.


He broke his nose from running and slammed it into a tree when he was trying to chase back the present he got for you which was a nice T-shirt from a Rattata. You helped him clean his bloody nose and put an air helper around his nose.

"This feels weird..." He said with a deep navel voice.

You giggled at the sound of it as he growled. "It's not funny!"

"Oh yes it is my stubby Umbreon!"


Zekrom had eaten too much last night and threw it up all up in the morning. You ran to the bathroom and rubbed his back, hoping it would at least help in some way.

"W-Water..." Zekrom said as he shakily sat on the bathroom ground.

"Okay." You said as you helped him into bed before getting him a glass of water. It was basically a babysitting job for you sick boyfriend that day.

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