The Last Meeting

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It was as Arceus had feared. The magic making them human was wearing thin. He thought it would last five more years, but the energy was draining him slowly to the point where sometimes when he stood up, the whole world would spin around him.

He looked into the living room to see his wife and two children. She was reading a book while the twins played with each other. Never before as his years as a legendary would his heart ache so badly, tears would be sliding down his face.

He sent the message to those who he knew were married and had children, and so they came. Arceus's heart pounded to know what they would say, let alone think.

A portal opened up as one was blue, out coming with Dialga, then next Palkia with a pink portal next to it. Arceus smiled as they hugged each other, knowing that their wives have shaped them into good people, not only just as husbands.

"Hey dad!" Dialga chimed up. "We got your message! What is this about for a meeting?"

Before he could speak another portal opened up as Gira came out, but with bows inside his dark hair. Palkia burst out laughing as Arceus managed a smirk at the sight.

"Gira," Arceus said. "What are you wearing?"

Gira growls and blushed as he picked at the bows. "Tina put them in my hair. My wife made me because if I didn't then I would sleep outside in the snow."

Dialga whistled. "Sounds like a tough woman. Luckily I know my way around my wife, because if I don't then I can't count how many times my head about be on a spear."

The doors to the camber opened up as the rest spilled in. Umbreon and Lucario sat next to each other, his three sons sat next to each other as well, along with everyone else, but Deoxys as he just stood in the corner.

Everyone's gazes were making Arceus's heart pound louder inside his chest. How could he say it? They would be missing their wives and kids, knowing how long it would be until they would see them again.

Arceus cleared his throat as everyone stopped talking, and forced their gazes onto him.

"Everyone, you know the work of you becoming a human is by the work of magic. Alas, the magic I hold is wearing thin and becoming thinner by the second." Dizziness took a hold as he gripped the edges of the table, telling himself he would not fall. "It pains me to say that with the time we have left... which was to be five years... is less than a month. I'm sorry, but we will all turn back into pokemon. I do not know how long until my magic is restored to me, maybe months or years, but I ask you all to please understand this and try to forgive me."

The room was painfully silence. Their faces plaster with sadness... anger... and guilt.

Arceus knew what the guilt as from. Leaving their wives and children behind. Not being able to be in their kids' lives and watch them grow up, and watching as their wives are alone without them.

"So..." Deoxys started out, voice cracking under his emotionless face. "We'll he separated from our families?"

Arceus sighed and nodded. Victini rose up and slammed his fist on the table, making a dent in it. Everyone stared at him until he cursed under his breath and left the room.

It wasn't until a second later everyone else got up and left, heart tore and broken at the bear thought of leaving behind their homes.

Arceus looked down and blinked back his tears. A god mustn't cry, because they were the strong Lord of the world. A tap to his shoulder snapped him back to realization that he hasn't moved at all.

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