They Go Overboard (Somewhat) With Baby Stuff

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I think I'm just gonna have the baby months go twice head like it's four months here and in the next chapter six months in.


Ever since Halloween he's been getting excited about the baby. The thought of being a dad was just exciting to him. Bring life into his new family was something he always dreamed of but thought would never come true, but it did now.

You were asleep while Darkrai wrapped up the presents for the baby. When he accidentally dropped one of them you woke up from the sound and walked downstairs. There were toys for children everywhere.

"Darkrai..." You called out, "What is this?"

The kitchen door opened to a smiling Darkrai. "It's toys for the baby!"

You giggled and smiled. "Honey the baby isn't close to being born yet. I'm only four months pregnant."

"I know! But I'm just so excited!" He poked at your belly, "And the baby is just so excited to play with her/his toys."

You smiled and ruffled his hair. "We'll find out the gender in another two months!"



He had been going to the park for some fresh air once in a while to get away from you. Well you could get crazy with your pregnant stages and he needed to keep alive, so the only way was to take walks in a while.

Dialga stopped at a bench and sat down, but his eyes landed on a mother holding its baby. The father had his arms around the two as they both looked happy. He then got the idea... why not spoil the little child?

It was night time by the time he got back and you were watching t.v. but you gave him a look. "A walk is taking a long eight hours huh?"

"I know how that looks but just look!" He held out a row of bags, "I got clothes, food, toys, and everything are baby needs!"

Your eyes widen at the rows of bags. "Well... at least you had a reason for coming this late."

"Of course! The baby is going to be spoiled so much when they come into are life." He said while hugging you and wrapping his arm around your belly.


Okay now that he had taken up his word about being a dad he had to act like one, and just tossing beer bottles around wasn't helping his image. He had an idea, if beer bottles were bad then everything else in the house was bad!

When you came home from the doctors you had to find it in you to not scream. Everything was baby proofed, like from the floor to the celling.


"I baby proofed the place!" His stupid grin wasn't helping your anger.

"That baby isn't even close to being here yet!"

"I know! But safety is always the first thing to come to the child and you!"


He pouted and got to work


Flying was that time of thing were his thoughts would either fly with him or fly past him. He passed by a funny cloud and stopped to look at it. It looked like a baby child, and that got him to thinking what he could give the baby.

You were making lunch for yourself since you were always hungry 24/7. The door opened up as you smiled when you saw your loving husband. "Hey Latios."

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