Chapter 7 : Nightmare

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  |◯◯◯◯◯◯◯|  Yooo, it's Hirocchi98
  |◯◯◯◯◯◯◯|  again~ How are ya
  |◯◯◯◯◯◯◯|  guys doing? Happy?
   ̄ ̄_,,..,∩_ ̄ ̄
   / ,゚ 3  'ヽーっ    Anyways, let's just
   l   ⊃ ⌒_つ   dive to the story!!
    ''ー---‐'''''""             Here we go!!

ヾ(Ő∀Ő๑)ノ Enjoy!!

Previously from chapter 6

The great day for (F/N) had filled with lovely Akashi who shows affection to her real self.

"I.. I..."

"You just missed me, right?"

The emperor himself embraced her with his own way : playing basketball together. This affected her with her mood for her next day.

The next day at school, they have a massive training, continued with a friendly match with the Magekyo senior high. Along with their match, (F/N) was tripple guarded by the massive mascular payers of  Magekyo. He enraged and fled from their guard and lead the team to win with his rage.

Thus they win with a lot score points. Before the Magekyo's team went home, (F/N) finally gave them his mind and shooed them out. With that attitude, Akashi who had promised him to talk more about (L/N) with a one on one match, had gave up the match and sleep over at (F/N)'s place.

[Your Dream]
I was on a dark room , void, everything is void and quiet. Not long after that I heard some footsteps.

“Whose there?” I ask nicely, the footsteps get louder and louder.

“Whose there?” I ask again, scared.

Slowly but sure, I can see a red haired man. He’s walking very slowly but in a King manner.

“Sei, is that you?” I ask again.

The man didn’t answer until he stood right in front of me.

Yes, it’s Sei.

He didn’t say anything, instead he growls under his breath. I saw Sei with a furious red face with his hand trembling in anger.

“So, (F/N) you’re lying to me… Why?! I trust you!!!” He exclaimed.

“Lying? I –I don’t understand what you’re saying…” I defend.


“Wh- Wha?? What are you… N-No, Sei I can explain this!”

“I don’t trust you anymore! Be gone now and never shown your face to me anymore!”

I’m scared, he turns his back and left me in the darkness again all by myself. I called his name over and over again but he didn’t show up. I tried to ran and reach him but my feet can’t even move. Thorns of roses held my leg and pierce through my flesh, making my legs paralyzed. The thorns pulled me, it pulled me without mercy to the abyss.

[Your POV]
I woke up sweating without a sound, scared of the terrible nightmare. I pull my legs closer to my chest and hug it. I began to sob quietly, remembering of the painful dream. The dream where Sei won’t accept me anymore, the time when he don’t trust me anymore.

I cried, I cried to myself, thinking about it makes my heart throbs too much. It’s painful… My heart pounds harder as if it’s going to explode.

“I can’t! I can’t let Sei hate me with this kind of crap! The secret I held with me is too big and too risky to be told to Sei! I can’t make him hate me when he already trust me!

I cried and cried until I felt warmth around my body.

[Akashi’s POV]
I woke up when I heard someone crying. I look at the time and its still 4AM, early in the morning. I took a glance at (F/N)’s bed and I saw him crying… I got up and sat next to him, giving him a comfort.

“Why are you crying early at the morning like that?” I asked him, curious for why he cried like that since he never shown any sad emotion in front of anybody. I can feel his body stiff, probably shocked that he waked me up… Who knows?

“S- Sei…” he said with a raspy voice…
“Yes? You’ve got nightmare?” I asked.

I can feel he nods at me. I never expected him to have a nightmare and cried like that. “Care to share me your story?” I asked again, having a big curiosity.

“I- I rather not t- tell you anything…” He replied. I let out a little sigh and rub his head, “Alright, I won’t push you.” I said as I let him be for a while…

I stretch a little and went to his veranda and exhale a fresh morning air, mixed with a calming scent of sakura.

After some time later, I didn’t hear any sobbing sound from (F/N). “Guess he finally calmed down now…” I thought…

I looked back and saw (F/N) looking at me from his bed with some pout on his face.

“Yes?” I answered.

“I have a big secret that I need to tell you, but I can’t tell you right now. Will you, when the time’s come, willing to listen to my secret?” he asked with a worried tone.

“I don’t see why I should say no.” I answered.

He seemed a little lighten up, but still looked worried.

“Promise me you won’t get angry after listening to my secret.”

“I promised.”

I looked at the time, now its already 5AM.
(F/N) stood up and walks to the bathroom and takes a bath while I’m still enjoying the morning scent. Minutes later he went out from the bathroom and gestures me to take a bath as well, he said that he already prepared the bath for me, and then he left to the kitchen, preparing our breakfast.

I open the bath room and saw fine porcelain of bath tub with a prepared hot water and chamomile scented soap at a little table next to it. I took off my clothes and start to bathe in the tub.

[Your POV]
I can’t believe I show my weakness to Sei like that. I feel ashamed of myself for being too emotional in front of him. I hope I can keep up my secret until I’m ready. I still have my promise to him; to make him happy like the old days again.

I look at the ceiling and air fist with fire inside me. I rapidly began to make elegant scones with a mix berry cinnamon rolls and (fav. Flavor) moon dumplings. I made an earl grey for Sei and a (fav. Tea) for myself.

I didn’t forget to make lunch too! I make a luxury (fav. Pasta) with my special salmon grill, and also for Sei’s lunch, I make a Prosciutto and beef fettuccini with sprinkles of cheese. I packed the lunch and arrange the breakfast, just then Sei walks to me and sat at the sofa in front of me.

“Ah, scent of chamomile~ “ I said, teasing him.

“You’re the one who prepared it for me.” He said.

“Haha, it fits you, though. A nice scent will make you more relaxed at everything, and it would make you more focus than before!”

“Yeah yeah, whatever you said, (F/N). Anyways, what’s for breakfast today?” he asked.

“We have scones, mix berry cinnamon rolls, and (fav. Flavor) moon dumplings.”

I said as I pour some earl grey for him and pour some (fav. Tea) for myself

[Akashi’s POV]
I sweat dropped of his sudden change emotions. He sure can change his emotions quickly from sad to happy. I wonder what actually happened inside his head, how can he be like that?

“Is, something bothering you?” asked (F/N) as he took a scones and ate it.

“Nothing…” I said as I took a sip of earl grey.

We ate breakfast in silent and get ready for school. We walk away from his home and start walking to school. On the way to our school he gave me a lunch box and race to school without me. I feel like there’s something wrong with him today. Is his nightmare makes him act like this? It’s really strange…

What is this secret he’s talking about this morning anyways? Is it that important that he had to wait till he’s ready to tell me? And why he has to cry over a nightmare? Is it something scary? Is it something that connects him with his horrible past? Is it something that connects him with why mother’s died?

There are so many questions that I wanted to be solved. I need (F/N) to solve it when he’s ready. He’s full of mysteries after all..
Oh well…

There you go! I know it’s short, so I’m sorry about that because an unfortunate thing happened with my head. Yes, my head feels heavy lately. I can’t think any good stories, so let’s just say that your cover as a boy didn’t get caught by Akashi, that means you’re save for now, LOL. I promise I’ll update a better stories next time, so I’ll see you next time!!

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