Chapter 22: To Remember

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To Remember
Akashi Seijuurou

I'm always wondering myself, why am I getting interest on a normal girl especially one who can easily get bullied.

I can still remember her sad face from that time. It's not long after she enroll Teiko Middle School.

Bullies always been there even when people didn't notice it. (F/n) without a question become one of the victim. She never shown her weakness but courage only. Behind them she would cry.

It start happening at the second break time, she's nowhere to be found.



"(F/n)-cchi! Let's go on a tour!"
Kise smiles and jumps like a kid to her.

"Before that, (L/n)-chin, do you have a snack?" Said Atsushi as he beg her with his puppy eyes.

"What's your sign, nanodayo?"
And of course, Shintarou's asking her star sign.

Meanwhile I just watch her from far, she looks as if she needs help but would quickly turn down the offer.

"Eheh, sorry guys. I'm gonna... B-DASH!!"
She quickly turns and ran away from them.

"Whoa, is she a lightning or something? Ah, if only she has big boobs~"

"Stop it, Dai-chan."

"Let's beat her crap, I hate her."
"I know right? She tries to eat my Kii-chan."
"Ah, and the great Emperor."

I darts my eyes and I can see girls from the corner of my eyes, I can perfectly hear them as clear as a diamond.

Not long they gone and the bell start ringing. They come back a bit late with an excuse 'Just used the restroom'.

"Where's (F/n)?"

I decide to get up and make uo an excuse before leaving the class.

"Now, let's recall what she had with her. She was translating a book, she also had yellow pages which shown from her bag. From her pencil case, I can see a lot of ink which means she's either working or just bored. That means she should be in the library to complete them."

I walk to the library, oddly enough it's empty, no teachers around. As I walk in, a sobbing sound can be heard. Immediately found he source, I saw (F/n) sobbing in the corner of the room.

"(F/n)?" I call. She turns around and looks...
Horribly scary.

"S-sei...." she grunt as she balls her fist.
"Those girls makes fun of you, huh?"

"They attack me when I'm not ready. This must be a warning that I have to keep up my guard, always." She crack her knuckles.

"I will avange this, they just need to wait."
She continue, I can feel there's fire behind her.

"Then you shouldn't cry." I said as I pat her head gently.

"I can't help it! It's really embarrassing!"

"Alright alright, stop your tears and go back to class. This is your first day after all."
She nods and walk behind me, already looks happy again.

"Anyways, Sei. You join basketball club?"
She ask which I nod.

"Cool! Can I come to watch? I always love watching sports!!"

"Of course, feel free to come."

She smiles and air fist, jumping like a child. She's such a carefree girl.

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