Chapter 8 : The Blue Head

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  ┌○┐                Hellaw guuuys!!!
 │お|ハ,,ハ        This is the annoying author
 │断|゚ω゚ )    again, struggling for typing
 │り |  //    more stories for my best
 └○┘ (⌒)        pal, and this pal is you
    し⌒    readers! Let's dive now!!

ԅ( ˘ω˘ ԅ) enjoy!

Previously from chapter 7

The morning greets (F/N), waking him up from his nightmare. He cried just thinking about it and with that, waking Akashi up from his slumber.

Even it's hard to held, (F/N) keep his happy face just to make Akashi convinced that he's alright...

But actually deep down in his heart...

[Author’s POV]
The school starts boring as usual for (F/N). He kept sighing and yawning from time to time, ignoring the lectures from his teacher. When the bell’s ringing, giving a sign for lunch, he didn’t move from his seat, in fact he just staring out from the window.

(F/N)’s behavior makes Akashi uneasy, since he usually a cheerful happy-go-lucky-man. Akashi even when he used his emperor sight, still can’t read (F/N) for why he turns to be in a bad mood today, decided to keep an eye on him.

When the bell rang again for the students to go home, (F/N)’s didn’t change at all, still the same tired sleepy looking face.

[Akashi’s POV]
“What’s wrong with him today? He doesn’t look very well. Is he sick?” I thought as I change my clothes to a sports one.

I took a glance on him and saw him sighing again as he slowly took off his shirt, revealing his well-toned abs. He’s actually quite masculine with a good shaped six pack.

“What’s wrong with you today?” I asked.

He look at me and let out another sigh, “Just tired, don’t worry.”

“Don’t lie to me, (F/N). I know when you’re lying.”

“Meh, really? I just didn’t get enough sleep last night, that’s all. I once had insomnia, so don’t worry…”

He left the changing room, leaving me alone. I decided to follow him and start doing a warming up myself. I saw him totally sleeping on the gym ground, lying lifelessly.

“Hey, are you ok, (F/N)-san?” Said Eikichi while he pats his head.

“Wake up, (F/N)-san. Wake up!!” Said Kotaro loudly.

“He’s not like his usual self. What happened to him, Akashi-kun?” Asked Mibuchi behind me.

“I don’t know. He just got a nightmare and he suffers for insomnia.”

After a few minutes, my phone’s ringing. I pick up and answer it.

>“Yo!! Akashi! Let’s play!!”
>”I can’t and I don't want, Daichi.”
>”Fine then!”

I put my phone back to my bag, looking at the other side I saw coach start giving course like he usually did. I walk to the team and start training with them.

Time passes slowly and eventually, we finished our course today. We took a shower and like always, (F/N) didn’t join us, instead he just went home without saying anything. He probably need rest from his insomnia, oh wel..

[Your POV]
“Man, acting like this makes me sad. I didn’t want to act cold like this to Sei. It’s just… I’m afraid that he discovered my identity.” I sighed and found myself in an empty basketball field near Maji Burger.

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