Chapter 23: Reasons for Everything

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Reasons for Everything
Akashi Seijuurou

(F/n) is a hardworking girl and a lot much different from the other girls I've seen so far. She work in a minimum way but achieve a great result. I can't help but wonder if she had other reasons to work.


"(F/n), I've been wondering... Why did you translate at class instead of listening to the lecture?"

"Mmm, I need to save some money for my future and for emergency. I'm not born from rich family and I'm proud of that. I can work hard and enjoy the result of my work."

"Hmm, so you're that kind of person."

I chuckle and ruffle her hair, giving her a good luck words.

"Hey, Sei. Those girls said I'm such a jerk to approach you like you're nothing. They say you're their King, their Emperror. Am I really approach you like that? I mean, are you really just like how they idolized you?"

"... Wow, (F/n). Never thought you're that brave. To be honest, I am not their Emperor. I just happen to posses the power and stand strong like one and to tell you the truth, I am actually sick  and tired of their squealing and fangirling voice."

(F/n) didn't say a word for one moment but then she laughs her heart.

"Oh gosh, I wish they heard that!! Ahaha!"

She laughs but then stops after sometime later.

Days after, our relationship deepens and I'm just happy having her arround me. She would come to cheer the team when she had a free time and join us at lunch. She make friends quickly and the bullies had never touch her anymore of her bright presence.

She's like my own sister and I just want to protect her and help her in any way I can, sadly I'm not very capable of that. One at a time when she decided to get up from her seat and be present at PE which strangely she never present and reason she's very bad and just had no power at all, she play with the team for fun but then she overwork herself and had a heart attack.

"How is she doing, doctor?"

"Mr. Akashi. She nearly not made it, if you hadn't bring her early in just a mare second; I believe we can't help her. Her heart is very weak and I believe she can't play a hard game such as basketball, baseball, soccer, etc."

The doctor paused for a moment.

"Her lungs also filled with water in which she had to always warm her body. If she ignore this, she'll pass her life. In this season, I forbid her to do any hard activities that made her sweat, plus the snow value increases this year. That is all, if you please excuse me."

The doctor then gave me a bow before leaving. I had no reason to let her go home anymore and I insist her to stay at my place, even if father didn't approve it. Her parent will be informed about this and thus I speak with (F/n) about my plan.

"(F/n), from now on till spring, I request, no. I order you to stay at my place. I will tell your parents about this and-"

She only look at me and gave me a weak smile before she cut my words.

"Thank you, Sei, but you need not tell my parents for they had passed away earlier than me from their weak heart. Thank you very much, Sei. I'm happy to have such a caring friend like you. I'm blessed."

I can't say a word, she broke me. I finally understand why she almost always stay away from PE and use the loose time for simple works which can be found in a daily newspaper. She need money for her heart, her education, and also her home.

"(F/n), why you never say a thing about this? I thought we're close friends."

"That's not something I can share and are my problem which carry my pride as a woman. I know it's hard but I know I can overcomw it, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this but-."

"No more, (F/n). I... I beg you, stop working and live at my place, even if you don't want to, at least let me help you. Let me pay for your living expenses, I can't bear seeing yo strugle so much like that. I want you to be happy and that's why I insist to help you even if you don't like it."

She shrugs her shoulder.

"You're too kind to me, Sei. Thank you, I can't say no to you, can I? It's your will and your order afterall."

"Good, from now on, don't be a workaholic like before. I care for you too much that I might gone crazy."

Her face lighten up a bit before smirking.

"Aaaw, Sei. Aren't you weak in front of me?"

Yes, I am indeed weak in front lf her.
There's a lot of reason for my weakness but one reason I know for sure, I had fallen for her. Not from her appearance, but for who she is I can't stop caring for her.

The same reason to loose my everything. It's just like everyone said, nothing can stay as it was. One day I lost my light and lost my personality, the same as I lost my dear beloved friend and crush, (f/n).

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