a feeling that you know

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in the morning, it was a kiss that sang
a harsh brush of rock against rock
and the sound of a hurricane

in the evening, it was a peaceful death
a paved road with no turns
and the acceptance of loss

at midnight, it was a lark with no voice
a branching of veins on a thousand leaves
and liquid moonlight

it is roman numerals
songs beyond mountains and people who believe in you
it is thick, scratchy blankets and a closing of eyes
it is locked closets and open windows, sheets over mirrors and crying into early morning soil

it is fingers clutching at bedsheets
an untimely disintegration of feelings you thought would last forever

it is solitude sprinkled like ashes across the earth
gold mines and strawberry sunlight
it is by your side wherever you go

standing shadowless at every time of day

keep it safe

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