stay here

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the way a being leaves the earth is not subtle.

some days, the voice inside your head gets loud. it tells you that you won't be missed, that the
stars will still appear in the sky every night that
the wind will still whistle in the trees and that
the ocean will still shift and change colours as it breathes without you

maybe this is true, you think. maybe.

but the way a being leaves the earth is not subtle. there is a home
for you here, there is a home for you that needs to be filled with exhales of flower breath and sighs that are like nectar and nightingales

there is a home for you here and you fit perfectly
in the cracks of the walls and the uneven floorboards,
you fit perfectly

you fit perfectly. carnations and koi fish in ponds, forests and sun spots and confessions of love. you are part of it all.

listen to the voice
that tells you this—no matter how softly it speaks—

stay here.

A TONE OF VOICEWhere stories live. Discover now