Owned 2 (Zarry)

940 25 18

Summary: The aftermath of Zayn and Harrys previous sexcapade!

Warnings: boyxboy smut, underage


Zayn wakes up to a dull, aching pain shooting up the middle of his back. He lets out a small whimper and almost falls out of the bed when something beside him grunts and moves around restlessly. Luckily whoever it is in the bed with him has an arm wrapped tightly around his waist.

"Zayn, babe, what's wrong?" The mystery figure says. Zayn thinks that's just about the sexiest thing he's ever heard. Then his eyes go wide as he remembers the night before. The way Harry felt inside of him, the way he said his name and praised him, and, more than anything, Zayn remembers the amazing orgasm he'd had before falling asleep tangled with Harry. His cheeks heat up and for the first time, Zayn looks over at the clock, which reads 6:54 am. Zayn is naked in the bed of the boy that's been sexually tormenting him for so long and he didn't even let his mom know he wasn't planning on returning home. Because he was. Zayn fully had every intention of going home last night. But Harry had gotten in the way of that. Zayn wonders what his parents are going to say about this. But then, honestly, he could care less because Harry is pulling him closer and talking with that sexy ass sleepy voice of his.

"Baby? You okay?" Harry asks, concern evident in his voice.

"Yeah, uhm, just kinda hungry. And I need to go home so I can get ready for school and I'm probably gonna be in trouble. And my bum kinda hurts and my back too and I didn't mean to-"

"Zayn." Harry interrupts him. "Calm down. We can go down stairs and eat. And it's Saturday, babe. Pretty sure your folks will be okay, but I'll drive you home after we eat, if you want." Zayn doesn't miss the disappointed tone in Harrys voice when he said that. "And sorry about that. Here, roll over." He says, pushing Zayn onto his stomach before turning on a lamp and straddling Zayns legs.

"So." He starts as he rubs gentle circles into Zayns lower back. "How did you like yesterday?" Harry asks smugly.

Zayn would think after being naked with this boy, he could actually hold a conversation with him without stuttering and blushing, but obviously he can't. So he just lays his on the pillow, making quiet humming noises as Harry massages a particularly sore spot on his back.

"Since you aren't gonna answer me, I'm just gonna assume you liked it. Well, that and the fact that you were pretty much screaming my name the whole time." Harry says, and Zayn can just hear the smirk in his words so he buries his face further into the pillow.

Harry wants Zayn. Not just physically, but in every aspect. Mentally, emotionally, and hell, if physical comes along with everything else, who is he to complain? So Harry decides, his goal for the day is to get Zayn to talk to him. And not the usual talk, he wants to hear Zayn all day. He doesn't want to be the one doing all of the talking. He wants to know everything about Zayn. About his family, his likes and dislikes, what makes him feel any kind of way, just every single aspect of him, no matter how minuscule it may seem. Harry's known that he's wanted Zayn like this for a long time, he just needed to know that Zayn wanted him the same. And of course sitting on the ass of the object of your affection, quite literally, while you're both naked, Harry decides, may not be getting that done . But he can't help himself from trailing his hands down the subtle curve of Zayns ass as he slides off of him, and then giving each cheek a little peck. Harry feels Zayn tense when his lips meet his ass and pulls back, flipping Zayn onto his back once again and dragging in to the edge of the bed so that they're pressed up against each other.

"Right now, I really wanna fuck you again. But my parents are in the house now, and I don't think they'll be too pleased if they have to wake up to the sound of you screaming my name. So instead, we could come take a shower- separately, unless you want to save water- and you could borrow some of my clothes, and we'll go out and just have fun today?"

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