Good Vibrations (Zouis)

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Summary: Zayn and Louis are flat mates, best friends, and run a tattoo parlor together. Louis has been having weird dreams about Zayn, and Zayn knows about them. One night, he overhears Louis having a very vivid and interesting dream. Zayn decides to make that dream a reality for his best friend.

Warnings: tattooartists!Zouis, boyxboy sex, rimming, face riding, bottom!Louis, top!Zayn


Zayn walked up to the front door of the tattoo parlor he owned and operated with his best friend, Louis.

The two boys had been best mates since the third grade and their friendship was still going strong, even in their sophomore year of college. Yeah, they've had their fair share of awkward experiences together, but that's all they turned out to be. Nothing had ever put the smallest dent in their friendship – like when they were both pining for that Harry kid the first year of college, when Louis dated Zayn’s ex-boyfriend Liam, or even when Zayn’s ex-boyfriend Niall went around telling Louis that Zayn hated him so that Louis would move out of the flat he and Zayn shared and Niall could have Zayn all to himself; but nothing ever could tear the two of them apart.

Now Niall was out of the picture although he tried to creep his way back in; Harry was their go-to party guy and number one customer; and Liam was a close second to Harry as they all hung out like they'd never know anything else.

Louis and Zayn still lived together and even had a few things between them here and there, but nothing serious – just a few drunken, bored nights.

Zayn had just come from the back room to start the coffee pot like he did every morning when Louis walked into the shop looking sad like he did every morning.

"Lou-Boo, wakey wakey! We got work, dude!" Zayn yelled from the back room, where he'd walked to pour both himself and Louis a pot of coffee.

"We live together, how the hell do you always get here before me? And why are you always so fucking cheery?" Louis sneered playfully at Zayn.

He definitely wasn't a morning person. Morning people were the worst thing in the world to him, but Zayn never failed to put a smile in his face.

Zayn walked up to his best friend and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulled him up towards himself a bit, and kissed his neck a few times. Louis giggled and wrapped his arms around Zayn’s neck, squealing a bit when Zayn gave his ass a squeeze.

"Woke now?" Zayn asked, leaning down to whisper huskily in Louis’ ear.

This was pretty much an everyday thing with them, but Louis still lost his breath and barely replied, "Yeah, yeah, I'm good."

Zayn chuckled at Louis. He loved that they could do those sort of things and still be best friends with someone like Louis.

Zayn let go of the smaller boy and walked to the station that he worked, Louis doing the same, when they saw two people walking into the shop. Two girls Zayn recognized from his Literature class came in holding hands and laughing.

"Hi, Zayn!" The paler girl said excitedly.

"Hi, Eleanor, Danielle. This is my best friend, Louis." Zayn said, gesturing to Louis. "What can we help you guys with?"

Danielle looked at Eleanor, then back at Zayn and said, "Well, a really good friend of ours passed recently. We kind of wanted to get a matching tattoo in his honor."

Eleanor nodded in agreement.

"That's sweet. So did you have any ideas of do we need to do a sketch?" Zayn asked the two girls.

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