I Don't Think I Do... (Ziam)

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Summary: Zayn and Perrie are scheduled to be getting married today. Zayn may have more than just a case of 'cold feet'.

Warnings: no smut, fluff, anti-Zerrie


The sun is setting in the background, illuminating the sky in beautiful shades of orange and purple and pink, the colors reflecting off of the surface of the ocean behind them. White sand covers the shore around them. Two golden ropes, about three feet apart, create a narrow pathway littered with fresh red rose petals and golden candles are flickering every two feet down the aisle, one on each side of the path. On each side of the aisle, cushioned chairs made of perfect white wood are set in rows, creating a crowd of one hundred people. A huge white and gold canopy is set up, both front flaps pulled back with rings of purple flowers to resemble an altar, candles flickering all around the inside and outside to give it a golden glow. Zayn takes a deep breath and looks around the altar.

The music starts playing, slow and nerve wrecking. Zayn looks down the aisle at his soon to be wife, Perrie. Her simple strapless white silk dress is flowing freely in the wind and her hair, curled specially for the occasion, is blowing behind her under her purple flower crown. She's clutching the purple bouquet in her hand as if her life depends on it. She looks up and meets Zayns eyes, a huge smile crossing her lips. He smiles back, not as big, but a smile nonetheless.

It seems to take an eternity, but Perrie finally makes it to the alter. She giggles so quiet that only she and Zayn can hear then looks at the priest.

"Do you, Perrie Edwards, take Zayn Malik to be your lawful wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?" The priest questions.

"I do." Perrie replies, barely above a whisper.

"Do you, Zayn Malik, take Perrie Edwards to be your lawful wedded wife? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?" He repeats, looking at Zayn.

Zayn looks into the crowd at all of the smiling faces, encouraging him to say the two little words that will bond him and Perrie together forever. Then he comes across the faces of three of his best friends. Niall, Harry, and Louis all have a sad, knowing smile on their faces. Then Zayns eyes travel a little further and meet the sad brown eyes of his very best friend. Liam gives Zayn an especially sad, yet encouraging smile. Zayn can see the pain in his friends soft puppy eyes, and it hurts him. Zayn was never one to hurt anyone, especially not Liam, and seeing him look the way he does now makes his heart shatter. He gives Liam a small smile and turns back to Perrie.

"I... I-I don't." Zayn says, looking down and releasing Perries hands from his own.

"Wh-What?! Zayn, what do you mean you don't?" She asks, tears evident in her voice.

Zayn looks into her teary eyes and explains. "I'm so sorry, Perrie. But I just can't do this. I tried. I really, honestly tried to love you like you deserve. But I just couldn't. You're sweet and you deserve this, but I... it just can't be with me. When we got together, I only meant for it to help me forget about my feelings for Liam. I thought that I'd eventually fall in love with you, that maybe management was right and it was just a phase. So I broke off the relationship Liam and I had, thinking that I could still stay only friends and be as in love with you as I was with him. But they pushed me and Liam further apart and you and I closer together and it only made me realize that this isn't a phase. I am most definitely in love with Liam. I had to stop this because I wouldn't have been able to keep pretending to feel like that about you. I'm a massive dick and I'm so sorry that I didn't stop this earlier and that I'm hurting you." Zayn said, looking between her sad eyes and the ground throughout his speech. Once he'd finished, he looked up into her eyes again and was surprised to see a small smile on her face.

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