Chapter 3

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Alyssa P.O.V

After getting out of bed and got myself ready, skipping breakfast . I walked lazily down the street. Well fuck my car.
At least i woke up on time so i had some minutes to buy since it was going to be my first day on the job, like he said 'dont be late'.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when a red ferrari was honking behind me.
"Fuck you" i shouted not caring who the driver was. I heard the car door open and my gorgeous boss came out.

"Well you can't do it while standing there" he had a smirk on his face. I just rolled my eyes.

"Somebody need to watch there attitude " his voice was prominent with dominance.

I faked smiled" im sorry sir".
I saw his eyes lit up.

"I like it when you call me you must always" he said. " Now do i need to ask you if you want a ride or are you just gonna get in?"

I scoffed and went in the front seat. I dont know what my deal was but my mind surely hate this guy. But why??.

There was akward silence in the car. Until he of course broke it.
"So are you nervous for your first day on the job?"

"What there to be nervous of?" I asked.

"Well i hear allot of my employees say im very strict with them" he says.

"Oh" is all i said. I really didn't know what else to say.

I dont know if i saw right but i think i saw him staring at my boobs a bit. Well who wouldn't , i wore a tight red dress which stop at my thighs and a nice cleavage.

I chuckled a bit and looked outside the window.

Walking in the building with my boss earn allot of glares and whispers. Finally it was just him and i in his office.

"I need you to stack up some of these papers please" he said as he sat at his desk.

"Okay" i mutter and stack over 100 papers.
After i was finished , it was my break.

"Sir its my break now ...may i leave?" I asked polietly.

"Nope" he answered and popped the 'p'.

Was the man serious??

"Excuse me??" I asked.

"You heard me, ill give you a break whenever i feel like it" he didnt even look at me when saying that his eyes were busy focusing on the papers infront of him.

I was fill with anger but i didn't want to lose my job on the first who am i to complain.

"Okay sir ....what do you need me to do for you" i asked walking up to his desk with an evident fake smile on my face.

"Get me some coffee for me" he said waving hand to move me away.

After making the coffee i went back to him and placed the mug on his desk.
He took it up and sipped it. A look of disgust came across his face.

"What the hell is this??"he shouts.

"Coffee" i whisper. Here s the thing with me , i hate being shouted at , its like my weakness.

He scrunched up his nose and threw the mug on the floor.

"You better clean that up" he says as he headed to his meeting.

Is this guy bipolar or some shit.

Taking up u a broom i cleaned up the mess he made. After his terribly long meeting with the chinese fashion industry he came walking back in he looks at me saying,

"You can go on your lunch break now miss .Reid.".

Walking pass him i mutter "took you long enough" but he seemed to have heard this time.

"What was that?" He said. Too scared to turn around and face him i just said..."thank you so much" .

"Better" he growled.

This guy has serious anger issues, too bad hes so hot. What the fuck are you saying alyssa hes your boss.

Going into their canteen i bought myself a chicken sandwich. Looking for somewhere to sit, i saw mr.sullivan best fashion editor crying. Being the good girl i am i went up to her.

"Hello, are you okay miss?" I asked. The girl looked about my age, she started wiping her nose with the back of her hand.

"Mr. Sullivan called me a worthless piece of shit" i started crying more. I felt bad for the poor girl.

"Hes a goodfor nothing-...." I was cut off my someone clearing their throat. Turning around slowly i saw the devil himself, mr. Sullivan.

"Might we finish that statement in my office miss.reid" he said with hid arms folded over his chest.

I didnt say a word i just made my way to his office and i could sense him following behind me because of his lavishing scent.

After he i went in his office and he closed the door , he stared deeply in my eyes.

"I never knew you were the back-stabbing type" he said.

"I never knew you were the asshole type......wait... I did know" i faked smiled.

Suddenly im being slammed in the wall. I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"Miss. Reid dont let me lose control"he says.

I couldnt answer. I thought if i answered my lips would meet his...thats how close he was at the moment.

A knock came on the door. I heard him curse under his breath. Moving away from me he sat in his chair.

"Come in" he called.
As soon as that door opened i walked so quickly through it like it was no tomorrow.

"Miss. Reid" a familiar voice called stopping in my tracks i turned to face him, my boss.

"Im not done with you yet" and with that he closed his office door leaving me dumbfold. I walked quickly to my car. Well its a good night to fantasize about my boss.

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