Ch. 1:Meet Angel

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*Edited by The_Midnight_Foxx_*


I hear my bestest friends, Kayla and Robyn, call me from the opposite end of the hallway. They run up and engulf me in a bear hug.

"Haha, hey Kayla, hey Robyn," I reply, hooking arms with them and walking down the hall to the lunch.

"Soo Angel, wanna hang out tonight at my place?" asks Kayla. "We can try out this new myth I saw online!"

I sigh. "Kayla, you know that's all a bunch of b.s, right?" I say, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Aww, c'mon Angel, all the more reason to have fun with it!" Robyn says, playfully elbowing my rib.

"Fine, but only to prove to you two loonies that's it's nothing!" I give in with a annoyed glare towards them. However, they didn't notice as they were happily dancing with each other in victory.

Once they had calmed down Kayla said, "Alright. We'll go straight to my place after school, a'ight?"

Robyn and I nod in agreement.

'Great,' I think. 'Why must I get myself into these situations?'

I facepalm, realizing what I just did.

"You good Angel?" Kayla asks, slightly concerned.

"Uh. Yeah, I'm just going to go and find Miguel. I haven't seen him since midsummer. I'll catch up with you girls later, ok?"

"Aww," Robyn says, wiggling her eyebrows at me. "I totally still take complete creds for your relationship!" She laughs.

"Just go get em girlie." Kayla says, pushing me.

I just giggle and make my way down the halls, looking for my boyfriend of one year, Miguel.

Robyn basically hooked us up our first year in High School. Robyn and I were freshman while he was a sophmore. Now we're juniors and he's a senior.

I turn a corner and see my babe putting his stuff in his locker; he hasn't noticed me yet. I walk up to him and swing him around, pulling his face to mine for a kiss.
I pull away giggling.

"Wow, what a way to start the year babygirl!" He says, smiling down at me and giving me a peck on the lips.

"The beginning of every school year is our day babe. Always gotta start it off right." I say, while he holds me around my waist, snug against his body.

We spend the rest of the time talking, kissing, and hugging until the bell rings.

"Gotta go to class babe. I'll see tomorrow, ok? I'm spending the night with the girls."

"Sounds good. But one thing."

I raise one eyebrow curiously, "And what's that?"

"I need one big kiss," he says, like a little boy.

I pull him back in for a passionate kiss, laughing as I do.

Little did I know that that would be our last kiss.

*I later on noticed how short the first few chapters are on this story... I pinky promise they get longer after I started figuring out what I was doing and where I was sort of going with this😂
So just bear with me and keep reading.. It gets better I guess, so try and keep going. Pleaseeee


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