Ch. 27: Who's She?

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Another month has last. It's now been over a year since I first arrived here. Even counting the month, month and a half that I spent with Miguel.
But he's the past.
Valentino is the present.
And I've been willing to take babysteps every once in awhile to make some more progress in our relationship. Which I can tell he enjoys. But I haven't gotten to any touchy stuff.
Not quite yet.

I wake up with a smile on my face. Even though I won't be able to see Valentino till later tonight. He left this morning for some business he said that he had to take care of.
But as long as he comes back, I'm happy.

I spend time just reading, cleaning, exploring, and being around Ms. Lily.
It's about 11:14 in the evening when Valentino finally comes home. I approach the front door with a huge smile ready to welcome him home and spend some time with him this evening. Just as I turn the corner, my huge smile went to a straight line.
He brought some chick home.
And he's laughing with her.
I feel jealousy building up inside me.
The chick finally noticed my presence and got Valentino's attention and drew it towards me. His laughter died down to seeing my not so happy expression.

"Oh! Angel, I thought you'd be asleep by now..." he nervously scratches the back of his neck and looking everywhere but my eyes.
That's right, he better be nervous.

"Nope, was waiting on you to come home. " I say with a snarl and crossing my arms over my chest and leaning on my right leg. Trying to look as mad and sassy as I possibly can.
I want him to understand how upset I am with him at this moment.

"Oh. Well, I'm home! " he chuckled nervously. Still avoiding my deadly gaze.

"And who's she?" I ask pointing a finger at the chick who seems so uninterested in what was happening but whipped her head around to look at me when I mentioned her.

"I," she starts with way too much confidence and bitchiness, "am Annabelle. But you can call me Ann."

"What is she doing here?" I keep my face on Valentino.

"I-" she starts, but I cut her off with a fast raise of my hand silencing her.

Wow, I have a ton of bitch, sass, confidence, and dominace right now. Never thought I'd be able to all of those at once. Let only even one of those!

"Unless you're Valentino, I don't even want to hear your voice." I say giving her a quick mean glance. And her responds is to let out an inpatient huff and rolled her eyes.
That's right bitch. I'm in charge in this situation.
I turn my attention back to Mr. Guilty over there...

"Well? Valentino, what is she doing here?" I say at him.

He lets out a sigh, "I-it's just, I n-need something!" He lets out frustrated. Never once does he look me in the eyes.

"What do you mean? " I ask confused as what he was saying.

"Listen, " he finally looks up at me, "our relationship is amazing. You're taking small steps to go further with it. But I can't hold back forever. I need it, and you admitted you weren't ready for that yet. I can't wait forever Angel!!" He finished pacing and grabbing at his now messy hair.

I just stand there with my mouth open staring at him, not believing what I just heard.

"Uh, I'll just go to bed then." I say slowly. a daze even.

I just turn, pause, and walk up the stairs hugging myself. Cause that's the only person here for me right now. Me.
I enter my bedroom and just sit on the side of the bed. Proccessing. Still. And finally it hits me, and I break. He has hurt me once again. And we were doing so well. How long has he been doing this?
All these things are going through my mind and all I can do is let them come out through my tears. I start to get a massive headache from everything that just happened, I go into the bathroom and go through the cupboards till I find some pain killers. I pop some. And I just stare at myself in the large bathroom mirror.
What did i see?
A pathetic girl with red and puffy eyes from crying, pale, bags now under her eyes.
Just pathetic.
I finally decide that's enough self discipline and just want to crawl under the covers and not come out. Just sleep everything away if it was possible.
I don't want to see him anytime soon anymore. He hurt me.
And these new wounds are deep, and will take spot of trust gaining and apologizes to warm me back.
I might just even ask him to let me go back home for awhile. Cause this is the last place I want to be right now.
I put my head on the pillow thinking, but soon those thoughts become dreams...

So the story is still getting there. Shorter chapter. Now I'm (depending on when I upload this chapter) either about to go to an International Music Camp or I'm just come back from it.
And my birthday is coming up! Or already arrived and pasted... JULY 4 BABY!!! Haha.
Anyway, I hope everyone's summer is going well and yours having (safe 😉) fun.
love ya!


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