Ch. 29 : Our Perfect Moment

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Angels P.O.V

It's been a few days since Valentino made his heartfelt apology to me.
And right now I'm just sitting a staring at the rose he gave me as if it could tell me what to do or how to think.
The scene keeps playing in my head like a broken record and I'm trying so hard to feel the way I want to feel about him. But I'm coming up blank and confused right now.
I grab a pillow from behind me and put it up to my face and screaming in frustration into the poor pillow.

After I feel like I've taken enough emotion out on the pillow I head downstairs to join Valentino for lunch.
I see he has already started to eat once I enter. I just walk and grab the seat opposite of him and patiently wait for Ms. Lily to serve me my lunch.
As soon as I make myself comfortable I feel a pair of eyes look up at me and I look towards to eyes that are across from my and looking at me. Those bright, warm, perfect brown eyes that are Valentinos.

"Done admiring me? I said hello." He says snapping his fingers in front of my face.

I shake my head a bit snapping myself out of it as I hear him scoff at me.

"Sorry. Hey." I respond as Ms. Lily enters with my food.

I wolf down my food as Valentino looks at me as if I have grown a third eye.

"What? " I ask with my mouth full.

"Uhh, nothing." Is all he replied with as he gets up and picks up his stuff along with mine to put away to be cleaned.

I go into the living room and sit down waiting for him. Before I confirm my feelings - I want to ask him something. Something related to his story.
He soon enters and sits down beside me.

"So what's up?" He asks casually while looking into my eyes.

"Have...have you ever wondered what happened to..Tilly after that night? " I ask looking down and picking at my nails.

As soon as her name came out of my mouth, his eyes went dark and he lost all emotion in his facial features.

"Everyday." He says blankly staring blankly towards the ground. Avoiding eye contact with me.

"Im sorry, I didn't mean to-" I was cut off short with Valentino grabbing me and pulling me into his lap where all he did was hold me. Close.

"Don't be." He muttered into my hair as his hands rubbed up and down my spine giving me shivers.

"Do I make you nervous?" He asks in a deep voice as he keeps rubbing my back but this time he does it with his nails tracing my spine instead of his whole hand.
I was only capable in responding by shivering again as I feel his nails snake down my back and back up again in a slow pattern.
I soon feel his warm breath tickle my neck. I'm really starting to feel warm and I don't think it's the tempeture in the room.

"What...what are you doing?" I gasp out once I feel his lips make contact with my neck that causes my whole body to become covered in goosebumps.
Ehh the things he does to me!

"Spending some time with my own lil angel." He says moving my hair out of the way from my neck and I tilt my head to the side to give him more access to it.

I soon become frustrated. I haven't felt his lips on my own in a long time. And this moment right now is making me realize how much I crave them. To move my own lips with him in our own special tango.
I remove his head from my neck and turn around, now straddling him, and grab his face that is furrowed in confusion. I then being my face down and make contact with his lips from my own.
Butterflies erupted in my stomach and I soon felt everything else disappear from around us. I feel sparks move between us as we move our lips together. I soon feel the tipof his tongue tracing my lips and I know he's asking for entrance. Which I happily give into and we soon are fighting for dominance, which he clearly takes.
His hands soon go under my shirt and his hands feel heavenly against my bare skin. That motion alone caused a slight moan to escape from me.
After what seems like centuries, we pull away from one another and just stare into each others eyes getting lost in them as we catch our breaths.

"I think I know." I breath out.

"Know what?" He asks in the same manner while holding onto my hips making sure my body isn't leaving his any time soon.

"My feelings, " I begin, " for you. " I finish placing my forehead against his.

He looks up at me through his long lashes and give me the happiest look. His eyes are gleaming and bright with excitement and his smiling so big that it seems like nothing could take it off of him.
I wraps his arms completely around my middle and pull my completely to him and hugs me.

"You don't even know if it's good!" I laugh at him and his cuteness.
I feel his body freeze up but doesn't let go. A physical signal for me to say something that could make or break him.

"But it's okay, cause my feelings are strong and in a good way. I Angel, like you, Valentino. " I say wrapping my arms around him and gripping into his hair in assurance.

"Thank God." He mutters into the crook of my neck holding me closer if even possible as seeing we are about as close as possible to each other.

We basically stay that way the rest of the day. We watched some movies curled up to one another.
Right now we're in the middle off watching Forrest Gump. My favorite!
But I soon feel my eyelids starting to feel heavy. But I wanted to finish the movie. The fact that Valentino was running his fingers through my hair was not helping my situation.

"You can close your eyes you know. " he quietly says bringing my head down so that it rests on his broad shoulder.
I only reply with a yawn and soon give up the battle with sleepiness.
All while being with him.

*yes, I know I've been slow on updates. But at least stuff gets done right?
School starts August 4 for me so prepare for even slower updates cause volleyball season has also started so busy busy.
Hope all your guys' summers are doing great!
Love ya!💋

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