Ch.14:Shopping Trip

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It has been 30 aggravating minutes but finally he grabbed his car keys and opened the door for me. Which I rushed out of like there were spiders after me (not even joking...I am TERRIFIED of spiders so that's why I used it. Haha...continue on.)

I was surprised to see how much hell looks like normal Earth...cept it's just a more gloomy and depressing vibe surrounding everything. I was totally expecting the whole put of fire thing ya know?

"Hop in." I hear and I look over and see him standing by a really nive...BENTLEY!

I stare wide eyed at the vehicle never thinking if I'd see one in real life.

"Wow...this is yours??" I ask him in awe.

"Well of course. I am the supreme ruler of this paradise aren't I?" he says laughing a bit at my expression.

I just stand and stare as if I'll never see this beauty ever again.

"Well do you want to go shopping or not?" he says making me take my eyes away from the car.

"Yes! And we're gonna take this?" I ask praying he'll say yes.

"I mean, if you want. But if you dont-" I cut him off.
"NO! I want to take this. This is perfect."
"Then hop I'm sweetheart." he says smiling at me opening the passenger door for me.
I hop in eagerly and buckle in practically bouncing in my seat.

"Calm before I choose to regret this decision." he says clearly judging me.

"Hey, you try being offered to the devil then brought down to hell where you're just as much as a prisoner inside a HUGE house." I say back.

"Ouch. Well ok, let's just shop and be done." he says starting the car.

"Ok, so I have some rules for you to follow while we're there...." he says checking to see if I'm even paying attention.
"1- don't leave my sight. 2-don't you even dare of escaping me. 3-no talking to anybody no matter. Getting this?" he says taking a quick glance at me.

"Omg...yes. I get it."I say rolling my eyes.

Once we get there, I totally blow off his whole no running off rule. He gave me his card and said get whatever I need. (and want 😉)

"Angel!" I hear a not so impressed Devil.
Ooh well...screw him, I'm off.

So it's been almost 2 hours since I ditched Valentino behind. And I have zero clue whether to be ethusiatic and keep going or to be terrified and stop now.
But my mental debate is interupted by my stomach letting out a loud growl.

"I think I may be hungry.' I think to myself looking around for a good court and eat something.
I see a simple little diner looking area and go in there.
I go up to order and get my food. I happily sit down and start munching away wondering where, how Valentino is at this moment.
I'm sitting there too consumed in my own world to notice that someone has taken the seat across from me.
I look up and see a rather handsome male specimen sitting there.

"Well hello beautiful." he says flashing a dazzling smile.

I feel a slight blush creeping up my neck at his words. (i don't take compliments well if you haven't noticed)

"Hi." I say still feeling the crawling warmth.

"And what is a girl like you,doing down here?" he says leaning forward and looking deep in me as if trying to search for my soul.

"Oh no reason." not really wanting to explain how I got here to someone I just met. No matter how good he looks.

I basically completely forgot about Valentino as I found some decent company with this guy.

"By the way, names Xavier." he says holding a hand out to me.

"Angel." I reply back shaking his hand.

"Well Angel, pleasure." he says smiling that smile.

"Pleasures all-" I'm suddenly cut off mid sentence.

"ANGEL!" I hear close by.

'Uh oh...found Valentino...well...more like he found me. And he don't sound too happy about that.'
I cringe turning around to see a furious Valentino who's eyes are blood red and has horns coming out his head, teeth gone super sharp, and black claws.
Overall...I'm scared shitless.

"Oh...uh...Hey Valentino?" I say while shrinking away knowing I'm in the most trouble I think I can get in.

"COME, NOW!" he screams while heads turn and bow in respect.
Totally forgot we're in hell and him being the Devil involves him being the ruler of it all.

Valentinos P.O.V

2 hours. 2 damn freaking hours since she ran off on me.
It started off annoyed at her action, then frustrated, to angry, and now I'm at infuriated with her.
Let's just say when I find her, I'll remind her of who I am and what power I behold.
After walking around with steam pratically coming out my ears like a cartoon, I walk by a diner and I feel her presence. I look in a see her sitting with a guy I don't know who's talking to her and shaking her hand. That's it.

"ANGEL!" I let my voice boom to get everybody's attention in the whole damned mall.

I see her freeze up knowing she's busted and in huge trouble.

'Oh you better be scared.' I whispered to myself.

"COME. NOW!" I demand her knowing she must obey otherwise things will get a thousand times uglier if she didn't.

Fuckboy also turned around and looked down at the ground in nervousness knowing I'm here and I caught him obviously doing something he maybe shouldn't have been doing.
Even if it was just simply talking to her.

She slowly gets up approaching me in shame. Which I'm glad she feels because that's what she deserves.
I grip onto her wrists and harshly whisper in her ear, "We're going home NOW. You're little shopping trip is over."
And I roughly throw her hands down turning and walking away leaving her to keep her stuff herself and hurry and follow me back.

The whole car ride was silent. Which I was glad for knowing if one word came from either of us, I'd lose my shit and explode.
When we get to the house I just exit the car and walk into the house without giving her a second thought it glance and head straight to my office.

I sit down gripping my hair in pure anger at her, the guy, myself. EHHH.

"I told her the rules. She knows that there were and are concenquences for breaking those rules. And it's about time I show her to never doubt me and never think twice about breaking another rule." I tell myself thinking of what to do.

But how do I punish her?

*Hey mice! So this week has been a total rollercoaster for me in a bad way. So is these chapeters seem really bad. I'm very sorry. So much and too much I guess...but there's only a month left of track 😥 left and then schools out, summertime, jobs, camps, traveling, oh boy.
I'm starting to get a busy filled life and hopefully I can keep up with it all and keep up with this story.
I also have a couple of future stuff planned and slightly started in my drafts. So depending on this stories success or failure, I may post these eventually in time.
Have an awesome day my mice! Hasta luego


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