Chapter Two

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I walk outside to my lifelong friend Jay sitting on the porch like she does every morning waiting for me so we can head out to school. "Hey what's up, love?" She asks smiling her happy smile, unlike me, she has shifted so she's not treated as bad as me in the pack which I'm happy she still talks to me instead of leaving to hang out with other people which would make her life so much easier.

"Nothing, You?" I say looking at her and smile hoping I don't look as bad as I feel, which I probably do.

"Just sitting here like always."She smiles but her eyes look sad like they know everything is falling apart and she can't stop it or do anything to help. She looked helpless.

"I'm fine, I promise I won't end up like Sara." I pull her close and hug her, she looked like she was about to cry.

" When we're eighteen we'll leave," I promise her, I'm older than her by almost three weeks but sometimes I forget she's not actually related to me we've been together for so long and we just became friends it seems so weird.

"Did they hit you again?" She pulls back looking at me with her worried bright blue eyes, I nod my head with a sigh.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine." I let go of her and we start walking to school chatting about anything and everything we can think of before we get to school.

I link my arm in with hers and smile, "Let's get this day over with." We look back and the school and start our ascent to hell. Once we get inside the school I'm the center of most everyone's torment being pushed, punched, and almost tripped.

The first time that happened at least they're using their little brains.

We finally made it to our first class, Mr. Low, he's always so strict 'no' this and 'no' that, the 'no' crap gets on my nerves " Ok class today-" He starts his lesson without waiting for most of the class to get here before the bell its kind of annoying but I never listen anyway.

I just block him out and start drawing in my sketchbook. surprisingly I'm one of the top students here cause if I'm always working on something then I can get away from my family and they don't really care about me but they always want me home so they can boss me around or beat on me.

I sigh and listen to the music and watch my hands dance across the blank page this is one place I can escape to along with a good book.




I can feel someone's eyes glaring holes into the back of my head I look up to meet an angry gaze, I smile sheepishly and give an awkward laugh.

"Sorry if I was a bore, but since you haven't been listening to me would you like to come up here and teach the class on trig or go to the principle?" He gestures to the board with a marker in hand.

He never liked me what's the point.

I stand up, take the marker answer the equation and write a different one on the board, hand the marker back, and grab my stuff and walk out. Some students snicker at what I imagine is a surprised look on his face. The bell finally rings and I'm sitting in a lounge area of the school until I'm told to go somewhere else.

"Hey Lilah, can I stay here?" I ask the principal.

She looks up from her computer and smiles.

"Is it Mr. Buttface again?" She looks at me over her computer smiling already knowing the answer.

"Yea, I was just drawing in my book because I already know the stuff and he's just rude. I think he hates me, ever since the day I told him he was wrong." I say with a laugh.

After a while in her office helping her with her some of her paperwork I'm allowed to view and give her an opinion on I have to leave when the bell rings.

"Try not to get in trouble again." She smiles and goes back to her computer.

"Yea. Like that will happen." I laugh and walk to my next class and meet Jay along the way. The halls were easier to walk through this time.

Three huge guys block the entrance of the door and we almost collide with them.

"Excuse us. sorry." Jay says and we both back away looking down.

All three laugh, they are apart of the pack and friends with the alphas son so they have fun picking on us all the time and no one stops them.They also just happen to be on the football team and this school prides its self on its team so none of them ever get in trouble. I sigh hearing someone chuckle behind us.

Perfect the ass has appeared.

"Hey, runts how's life?" The ass asks with his usual smirk plastered on his face paired with his crap colored eyes.

"Why do you ask? We both know you don't care so just stop."I snap at him really wanting to be invisible in that moment.

I'm slammed into the lockers "You're right I don't care, but I have to at least act nice in public.

"See you on your birthday, MATE." He whispers, my eyes widen in shock.


"Are you sure he didn't say mutt or something like that cause I don't believe you, and he could be playing a huge prank." She's sitting on my bed watching me pace back and forth.

"Yes. He said see you on your birthday, MATE." I say for the hundredth time.

"Well, then we'll see if he is, your birthday is in a few days so who knows." She sighs and throws a pillow at me it landing on my face.

"Oh no, you didn't." I smile and grab two off the ground and throw one at her and start hitting her with the other one. The pillow fight lasts about an hour and we're both out of breath but still laughing.

"Well, that was fun and exhausting." We are both out of breath lying on the bed.

I look at her and smile.

Thanks, Jay.

After a bit she had to go home, I had to make food for the asses in the house and go take a shower before bed.

He can't be my mate I don't feel anything towards him even if your not 18 you will feel something but it won't pull you to the person like the bond does. Why am I thinking about this it's not like he likes me he's the alphas son he's 18. Come on, stop thinking about the ass and get some sleep you have five days left, so go to sleep and just wait.

I'm not sure when I fell asleep but I was just happy to get some sleep.

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