Chapter Five

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It hurt, but it felt right like the whole world just shifted into place. I'm out of breath and exhausted, there's a sudden loud noise like a gunshot and people start shouting from behind me when I turn around there is little orange and yellow lights dancing in the distance. I don't know what's going on, but I realize I have to run as far as I can, as fast as I can.

I pass the trees that turn into dark blurs until I hit a little clearing slowing down for a second to look behind me for the lights and to catch my breath before I continue. There's a snap from behind, and I turn to see a white wolf, all the tension I had washed away at the sight of that wolf. Panting I make my way to him and take a last glance over my shoulder. When I look back at the wolf, his head is lowered teeth showing hair standing on up ready to attack, and the last thing I see is him lunging at me and teeth.

I jolt awake and push myself up off the bed, but my whole body is heavy, and my limbs won't move the way I want. After a bit of time my motor skills come back, I get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower.

What the hell was that?

It's the weekend, and as usual, I have no plans no one else is in the house which means they are at the pack house with everyone for the weekly grill they have and of course I'm not invited. I'm not that surprised, but it still hurts being left out of things with what's supposed to be your family.

There's not much to do around the house because I have to clean it almost every day. I have a quick breakfast and head out the back to the woods. Putting on my headphones and some music I start walking with an unknown destination. I don't know how far I've walked, but I don't recognize where I am I was initially following the trails we made then followed an animal made one. I'm at a river which most likely leads to pine point lake just out of town, so I start walking downstream.

I've always liked being alone even though it's not good for a wolf, but I don't have to worry about people betraying me. After a few miles and a few deer sightings I'm finally at the lake, and sure enough, there's a whole crowd of people. I groan and start walking to the group I have to get back on the road to get home. I'm almost out of the parking lot and on my way when a hand grabs my shoulder spinning me around to meet the glowing scalding eyes of none other than Zack.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Glowing eyes demand. "I didn't know I had to get permission to take a walk." I blirt back without thinking regretting it instantly. He's taken back for a second, and so am I but there's nothing I can do to take it back. "Getting ballsy aren't we? Maybe someone needs to put you back in your place." He crosses his arms, but for some reason, he doesn't seem as mad as when he first saw me, his eyes have gone back to normal and it looks like the corner of his lips are raised a little like he wants to smile.

I take out my headphones giving him my full attention. "Did you need something from me? I'm trying to get home." I shuffle around not wanting to be out in the open where everyone can see me. "Yea, get in the car." He walks past me to the black charger. "That's how people get kidnapped." I mumble, this time he's not hiding his smile. "Come on I'll give you a ride." he leans on the driver side talking to me over the car.

I seriously don't know why he's not beating me or something, and I don't like how nice he's being. "I'll be perfectly fine walking, thanks tho." I don't know what's gotten into me and talking like this, but I should leave before I push my luck. With a small smile, I turn around and head for the road, there's a roar behind me and his black car speeds in front of me and comes to a hard stop. "Come on Kamaria the walk back is pretty far and this will be quicker." He says getting out of the car.

"Look, Zach, I don't know why you want to give me a ride, but I don't want to get in the car because I don't know what's going to happen you could take me to some other town and dump me there. You're not exactly someone I trust." At this point, I'm scared, and I need to leave. I don't know what's going to happen. "Hell, I don't even know why we are having this conversation the most we have talked was when we were five, and there was no social status." He looks hurt, and that's when his words flood my mind 'MATE' that's why he's doing this.

"Look I know I haven't exactly been the kindest person in the world to you, but I want to change that." He looks like he's sincere about what he's saying, but I still don't trust it after all those years of pain and torture. "You may want to now, but it's going to take a long time before that happens. Do you know what its like to be treated like a punching bag by everyone? It's not just the pack that treats me like that some of the normal people do." I'm almost yelling at him when my ears and face get hot, and my vision starts to blur. I've never liked crying. Finally realizing that I'm still in public and people are staring I dart into the woods to get away from their gaze.

Collapsing into a panting pile on a rock the tears that I had been holding back cascade down my cheeks. That's when an agonizing pain shot through my body worse than anything I have ever felt unable to hold back my screams I fall from the rock I'm sitting on. the excruciating pain starts at my spine and crawls its way through my body, and all I can hear is the blood in my veins pumping and my screams

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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