Chapter Three

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Four more days and I'm gone.

I sigh poking my food on the tray, thinking about the long days ahead of me.

"You okay?" Jay asks from across the table, already done with her food playing on her phone. "Yea just don't like school." I smile at her still poking at my food waiting for the bell to ring.

There's a new girl in my seat for 5th period. "Hey, um that's my seat," I say, and she looks up from her notebook. "Oh, sorry." She stands up and moves to the next seat. "So what's your name?" I asked dropping my stuff on the table. "Jade, what's yours?" She asks sheepishly with a smile to match. "I'm Kamaria, this twig is Jasmyne," I say pointing to her beside of me. "That's rude, buttface." She says, and I laugh. "You can call me Jay or whatever you want." She says waving her hand it the air like she usually does, along with almost hitting me in the face.

"So what school did you come from?" I ask, and Jay starts to pay attention. "I was homeschooled." She says looking down again. I looked her up and down taking in all her features. She's about my size, but closer to Jays' size her eyes were pale blue and pretty. Someone cat called and we all turn to see the first ass of the jocks.

I didn't even know he was in this class.

"Hey baby come on over here, you'll have a better time with us than those losers," Markus says with a smirk, and all three of them laugh along with a few people in class trying to fit in.

Ugh. No one likes you Markus and no one will. I feel bad for your mate.

"No thanks, I'll decide who I'll have more fun with." She says and smiles and turns completely around to face us. "Oh. Feisty, I like a girl with a bite." He says with a grin now. "And another thing I'm not your baby either," she says with a smile over her shoulder. "Then can I call you sugar?" He asks with a smile. "No either say my name or don't talk to me." She snaps raising an eyebrow.

Well, she has guts.

Everyone was silent, and the ass and Jade were staring at each other.

No blinking no movement nothing.

The door opens." Ok so how have y'all's day been?" the teacher asks walking in breaking the silent stares. "Well, I didn't know you were like that. I thought you were the silent type." I say looking at her a bit amazed. "Way to go girl." Jay says with a smile. "Sorry, I'm not like that usually." Jade says going back to her sheepish ways. "Don't be. That was awesome." Jay and I say in unison, and then we laugh at each other.

"I'm sorry girls am I interrupting your social time?" The teacher asks. We all look up at her and smile. "No ma'am sorry." Jade says with a small smile. "Don't let it happen again okay." She points at us. "Yes, ma'am." We say, and she goes back to teaching the class about Shakespeare.

So it turns out Jade has the same classes with both of us. She's with both of us first through fifth and with me sixth and seventh, which is quite neat cause now I'm at least with someone in my last classes.

We meet Jay outside the school and start walking to our houses. Jade moved into the empty house about fifteen minutes away, but it's still on the path we take which is fantastic. Something good is happening to me and Jay which is good but, I can't shake this feeling our world is about to fall apart.

Stop worrying about it be positive, and everything will be alright.

I sigh agreeing with myself about it and put on a smile. What am I supposed to do when it feels like the whole world is closing in on you, suffocating you. That night I started making plans to leave and started packing a big duffel bag with the few clothes I have and my art supplies.

Looking over everything inch of the small cramped room that I have lived in for 13 years I feel a little sad it's been my place for so long I'm going to miss it a little. I sigh and go to my small desk and start drawing not knowing what it's going to turn out to be. After a few hours, I put my pencil down and looked over the wolf I brought then went to bed.

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