Chapter Four

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"Hey." I smile, and Jay smiles back. We pick up Jade along the way to school. "Was it just me, or were morning classes more tiring than usual?" I ask with a huff.

"Yea they were. I thought I was going to die when Briggs kept going on, and on, about something no one was listening to." Jay says acting like a baby bird again flapping its little wings around.

I start laughing about the analogy I just made and at how true it was which makes me laugh even more. "You okay hun?" Jade asks looking at me like I'm crazy and I smile. "Yea I just crack myself up sometimes." I laugh. "And what was so funny?"Jay asks looking at me the same way Jade is.

"He he. You wouldn't like it, Bluejay." I say smiling and start laughing again after her reaction. "I'm not talking to you anymore." She says backing away pointing at me. I reach out to grab her arm, so she doesn't back up onto the person behind her, but it's too late she bumps into Phillip and his friends.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" She starts freaking out and apologizing repetitively. He smiles and laughs. "It's fine. It's Jay right?" He asks turning completely towards her. "Hey man, we're leaving, see you later?" One of his friends taps his shoulder, and he waves them off.

I look over at Jay, and she's wholly transfixed on Phillip, and that's when it clicks, he's her mate. I tap her on her arm and tell her that we are going to find a place to sit till she's done talking and she nods her head. "Yeah, okay see y'all."

We head over to the coffee bar close to Jay and Phillip so she can spot us when she's done talking to him. "what was that about?" Jade asks looking over at them from her seat. "Oh, that's her ma- um man yea that's her man." I almost forgot that Jade wasn't a wolf so mate would sound weird to her. "Well, she wants him to be her man at least." I smile turning my attention back to Jade.

"What about you do you have a man?" She wiggles her brows and shoulders my arm, and we both laugh at how ridiculous she's being. "No I don't have anyone, and I honestly don't think anyone here likes me." I look over at Jay with a small smile hoping someday soon something like that will happen to me, instead of being pushed or hit for it.

Jay walks to us with the biggest smile I've seen since she was a child. When she reaches us she starts jumping and squealing, me and Jade both laugh at how adorable shes being. "So I'm assuming that means the conversation went well." I smile. "He gave me his number and told me to text him whenever." She's so excited she can barely stand still.

We go to the back of the cafeteria next to the windows at a small high table with our trays of food. "So I'm glad that happened when it did." I smile and look at both of them. "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that happened too, but I'm still mad at you because you know I don't like that little nickname." She states.

"Oh come on, don't be mad you're the only person who cares about my birthday," I beg. "Wait, when's your birthday?" Jade asks looking up from her food to me. "Three days," I say. "Well, I feel kinda left out." Jade pouts at both of us. "Okay in my defense we only met you yesterday so come on, I didn't want to come off as a self-centered person like most the people in school," I say raising my hands.

"Yea, true. So what are you going to do for your birthday?" She asks, and both of them look at me.

Huh. I never really thought about what I wanted to do.

"I don't know, probably stay in my room. My family isn't big on birthdays." I lie, she doesn't need to know how they are.

"Are you kidding me, that's what you want to do for your birthday? Come on girl, how old will you be?" Jade asks. "Eighteen." I poke at the nasty school food with my fork. "And you want to spend your birthday, like a little hermit, in your room. Alone." she gaps at me at each pause.

"Yea I don't mind, and it's not that big of a deal." I shrug trying to avoid the blank stare I'm sure I'm getting from her. "Dude no why would you want to do that you're turning eighteen. It's the big double digits where you're an adult right?" I look up at her. I didn't know if she has just watched too many movies where everything will be okay once they're eighteen and they can do whatever they want, but I knew that wasn't how life worked in most cases and most of all mine.

All I can do is smile at her. "I'll try to leave and do something with Y'all then, but I can't make any promises okay." That seemed to satisfy her for now. Lunch didn't last long but it never does, and we start heading for our next class.

"See Y'all after school," Jay calls walking away from the science room we just left. "See you then," I shout back at her and she waves her hand back me letting me know she heard. Jade walks into the next classroom first, and I follow after. As soon as I'm in the door I catch a foot pop into the bottom of my view, but it's too late, and I'm on the ground. The whole class bursts into laughter. "Watch where you're going loser." The tall redheaded boy standing where the foot came from laughs out and walked to his friends to receive some pats on the back and a few high fives.

I start to stand up when I spot red drops on the ground and more falling.

Damn did that seriously bust my lip?

Sure enough, it did. When I reach up to touch it is when the pain starts to set in, and I can feel it getting hot and swelling up.

I walk past everyone including Jade who is picking a fight with the redhead that did this and drop my bag on the table to start rummaging through it to find my Neosporin. "I hope the rest of the day isn't like this, but knowing my luck most likely." I sigh not talking to anyone but myself.

And today was going so well too.

The day ends quickly but not without more torment and pain, but luckily my lip wasn't so bad it isn't leaving a bruise.

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