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My fifth interview was with TaraLDeclan! She is an amazing write and I've read a bunch of her books and enjoyed them. Her books include Love is Blind, Camp Hope, Secrets of A Tomboy, Sparks flew instantly...NOT, Only Me When I'm You, A Change of Things, You saved Me, He's hatfield and I'm McCoy, If You Really Knew Us, My Cowboy Step-brother, All American Nightmare, A College of Seconds, Southern Bell, Spell It in Blood,and  A Summer of Firsts My favorite book of hers is Love is Blind though. It's a compelling love story between a boy who's blind and a girl. She s truly a gited writer and I really enjoy her writing.

Thank you Tara!


What's your name?

My penname is Tara L. Declan my real name is Tara:)

How old are you?

I am going to be 17 August 29th.

Oh cool :) When did you start writing

When i was 13:)

What inspires you to write?

Things that happen in my life and around me and stories ive been told. So life and my past inspires me.

Did you ever think you would be where you are right now?

No, never in a million years did i expect to be were i am now and have such a big book on wattpad let a lone anywhere. As i grew up i had a lot of people tell me i couldnt do it or that id never be able to read or write well. When i began writing a lot of people told me to give up. I never really had a major book. Finally LIB popped into my head and i began writing it. Then one moring i wake up and its a hit. I still am in shock an cant believe it. Its crazy for me when i have people messaging and saying kind and amazing stuff and when i reply they freak out. Its an amazing feeling and i never ever thought i be here. I only ever dreamed of it and it seemed impossible to me.

What genre do you like writing the best?

Romance, no matter what i write it always turns into a romance.

Do you see writing as a future career?

I really hope I have one. I hope I am able to become a well known author so that I know my books are reaching people and helping them. But my main thing for the future is to be a psychologist and social worker working with troubled kids in adoption and foster homes and also deaf and blind kids. But I truly hope I am able to have a writing career in the future.

Do you suffer from writer's block? If so, what do you do about it?

Oh yes, I do quiet a bit, especially after I have been writing a book for a while. Usually I have to wait it out, or I listen to music, go for a walk, watch a movie, or start writing another story or sleep. :)

What's your favorite book on Wattpad and who's you favorite author on Wattpad?

Oh that's a hard one. Well I have always been a big MillieMorgan fan her user name now is millie_ I had read all her books! I just love her. And before Love is Blind got big I always wanted to be like her and wished I could be as big as her. But my favorite book right now has to be The Bad Boy and The Nerd by ThE_dReAmEr_10! I cannot help but to love it! I just want Riley and Aiden to be together!:) I also hope one day I have a book as popular as hers.

Who is your favorite published author?

I have to say Lauren Kate author of the Fallen Series and L.J. Smith author of The Vampire Diaries Series.

Yeah I like them too :) Which one of your stories is your favorite?

There good:) and i have to say Love is Blind is my favorite right now.

If you could get one of your stories published which would it be?

At this moment it would be Love os Blind. :)

Do you have any tips for writer's who want to be popular?

Don't worry if it's not a hit right off. It takes time. And the most important thing is let your work speak for itself. The key to being popular is having an original, bold, relatable story. The reader has to feel it to enjoy it. Most importantly follow your heart and gut. If you have an amazing feeling about a book then go for it. If people like it the more will read it. Don't take mean comments to heart, learn from them and try to understand. Always be nice to everyone. And never be afraid to write something. Put yourself into the characters shoes it gives them more emotion, and express yourself with your writing. If it's meant to be popular give it a while. Your time will come, just don't ever give up.

How would people descirbe you?

People tend to describe me as: trustworthy, nice, funny, silly, friendly, smart, blonde, crazy, passionate, dedicated, and loving

Anything else you want to share with your fans?

I want to say THANK YOU all so much! I truly love each and eceryone of you. I would not be where I am if it was not for you. You have changed my life forever. I have been so blessed to talk to some of you and hear your story. I hope I can inspire you all to follow your dreams. You've been making my dreams come true and it means the world to me! Thank you all so much for supporting me! I love you! Feel free to talk to me when ever you want. You are all amazing!

Thank you for letting me interview you! :D

Thank you for wanting to interview me.:)

No problem :D


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