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My sixth interview was with DoNotMicrowave! When I first came onto Wattpad, The Cell Phone Swap was just getting popular. I decided to read it and it became one of my first and favorite stories on Wattpad. The problem though was that DoNotMicrowave didn't go on Wattpad for months. I understand writers can't always update or go on Wattpad on Wattpad all the time, but it kind of sucked one of my favorite stories wasn't going to be finished. But then a little while ago, DoNotMicrowave came back to Wattpad and posted new chapters, which are amazing! She is a talented author and I also love she writes in third person, as well. Her books on Wattpad include The Cell Phone Swap and The Valentine's Day Amazing Race. I can't wait to read more of her books!

Thank you DoNotMicrowave!


What's your name?

Haha it's a secret ;)

How old are you?

I'm 26 years old.

When did you start writing?

I started writing in middle school.

What inspires you to write?

Anything and everything! My imagination has always been vivid and wild. I was the kid who always was got reprimanded in class because I was off daydreaming. So, I finally decided to put my dreams to use and write ;)

Did you ever think you would be where you are right now?

Absolutely not! I posted the first chapter of The Cell Phone Swap as a kind of 'why the hell not' gesture. I never imagined it would become as popular as it did. I'm completely blown away by the positive comments I've been receiving.

What genre do you like writing the best?

Mostly romance, but I do enjoy writing fantasy novels also. I like being able to create and build the world from the ground up. I have an "epic fantasy" novel partly written, but I'm not sure if I want to post it or not. It's a big departure from the light-heartedness of The Cell Phone Swap.

Do you see writing as a future career?

It's definitely a possibility. If I can make a living by writing at home in my pajamas, then I would do it in a heartbeat :)

Well your an amazing author :) Do you suffer from writer' s block? If so what do you do about it?

I do get writer's block from time to time. Usually, I will move on to another story I'm writing, and focus on that for awhile. Then, when some time has passed, I'll go back to the original story and re-read it with fresh eyes. For the most part, my writer's block will have passed and I can continue writing.That's why I have six uncompleted stories on my laptop!

What's your favorite book on wattpad and who's your favorite author on wattpad?

My favorite book and author on Wattpad would have to be The Black Knight by MeganLockhart. I think she's really talented and I love the way she writes.

Who's your favorite published author?

Oh gosh. That's a hard one. I love a lot of authors. My favorites would have to be: Kristen Ashley, Gennita Low, Anne Bishop, Nalini Singh, Maya Banks and Julie Garwood.

Which one of your stories is your favorite?

What do you mean? The ones I write? Or the ones I read?

The ones you write and it doesn't have to be on Wattpad.

My favorite would have to be one called Skye's of Tomorrow. I absolutely love the characters in the story, especially the hero and heroine. They both go through the hard journey of searching for forgiveness, so they can gain redemption. Here's a small tidbit:

Skye’s breath hitched as their eyes locked. There was something achingly familiar in the depth of them-as if he too, had unwanted demons haunting his dreams. For a few seconds, the outside world melted away. There was only him and her- two troubled souls recognizing a kindred spirit.

Wow! It sounds really intresting! If you could get one of your stories (doesn't have to be one on Wattpad) published, which one would it be?

Probably Skye's of Tomorrow. I do plan on posting the story on Wattpad after I'm finished with The Cell Phone Swap.

Sounds good. Do you have any tips for other writers who want to be popular?

My biggest tip would have to be don't give up. Gaining reads and votes takes time. It doesn't happen overnight. And even if you don't become popular on Wattpad, don't stop writing. If it's something you love, then continue doing it. There are so many authors out there who were rejected by publishing companies but became famous anyway. Just because it doesn't happen on one venue, doesn't mean it won't happen at all. :)

How would people describe you?

My sorority voted me as the most inspirational member so I guess people think of me as the girl who lifts them up when they are feeling down.

Anything else you would like to share with your fans?

I would just like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me. It really means a lot that you all would take the time out of your day to read my story. It absolutely humbles me. So thank you!!

Thank you for letting me interview you!

No problem!


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