Chapter Two

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My arms extended towards Gavin as the hunter dragged me out of the hole. With one toss, I landed flat on my back while yelling as loud as I could. "Run Gavin! Run!"

"No!" screamed Gavin. "How will I survive without you?"

Then, Gavin fell right to my side as he too was captured. Rolling to my hip, a stream of tears were going down his face as we both just stared at each other. We both knew that whatever was going to happen was going to be bad. I rolled on to my back as the man stood right over me. He was human of course. A human who hated anyone who contained an ounce of elf blood. Looking at his forehead, I saw a symbol that sent chills down my spine. It was the symbol that every elf feared, it was the symbol of a hunter.

"To your knees," the hunter said as he pulled out a long golden blade. I flipped over on my belly and slowly climbed to my knees.

"Isn't that something?" the hunter asked. "You nearly avoided the curse didn't you?"

"I'm less than ten percent," I replied. "Never seen an elf with blonde hair have you?"

"Your ears are a dead give away. Besides that, you'd pass for a human. What a pity," the hunter replied.

"So what's going to happen now?" I asked.

The hunter's golden boots shimmered in the sun as he took a step towards Gavin. "He's full blood isn't he?"

"Close enough," I replied.

He laughed as he bent down and grabbed Gavin by the hair. "Let me see those eyes of yours."

Gavin tried his best not to let the hunter look at him as he tucked his chin into his chest. "I don't want ya to see them. There ain't no reason for you to see them. You hear me?"

"Of course there's a reason," yelled the hunter as he yanked Gavin's head back to reveal his face. "Full blooded indeed. It's time for you to come with me."

"You can't have me! You hear me?" Gavin screamed as he tried his best to escape the hunters grip.

Then, with one swift movement, the hunter yanked Gavin to the ground. His legs went limp as the hunter dragged him by his side. "This would be a lot easier if you just used your legs," the hunter said with a little grin.

"Where are you taking him," I asked as I jumped to my feet. "If you take him you must also take me."

His footsteps stopped as he yelled with his back to me. "You can leave. We don't need your kind. Got too many already."

"Got too many?" I asked. "I've never run into anyone like me before. I'm a rarity around these parts. You're making a big mistake if you don't take me. If you worked for me, I'd be spitting mad that you left me behind."

He turned around as he let out a little laugh. "Is that so? I'd be a fool not to take you along would I?"

"That's right," I said. "I can do anything you would like. Look at all of these holes around us. Give me some seeds and I can create an entire farm within days. We survived out here for nearly a year because of me."

"Your holes are worthless," replied the hunter as he resumed dragging Gavin along beside him.

"You should feel lucky. If you came with me, the only hole you'd be digging is your own grave. Be thankful I didn't choose you. Now leave us."

The frozen ground beneath me crunched with increasing frequency as I made my way right behind the hunter. Trailing him, I wondered what I was going to do to get Gavin back. My mind was racing with all sorts of ideas, but I really didn't have a plan. One thing was for sure though, I promised Gavin we would be free one day and I intended to keep my word on it. I was so close I could touch the hunter, yet he acted like I wasn't any threat at all as he still had his back to me. I cleared my throat as I knew I had to make myself heard. "I don't think you understand me sir."

He stopped as I could feel the tenseness growing in the air. "What is it I don't understand?"

"You're not taking him," I replied with a stern voice.

Slowly, the hunter turned around until he was squarely facing me. "Is that so," asked the hunter. "Is it you that is going to stop me? Is that how this ends today?"

He laughed as he took a step closer towards me. With his face only inches away there was a smell of old cheese. I wanted to ask him where he got his cheese, but the seriousness of the situation wouldn't allow it. His breathing slowed down as there was no longer any signs of a smile on his worn out face. "Don't let me hear another word from you. Today is a good day for me, any other day and you'd be sliced into a nice little soup by now."

My eyes looked at the ground as my heart beat doubled. Gray and lifeless, the ground was something I was starting to identify with. As I continued to stare, a little whisper came from Gavin. "Please don't let him take me."

"Shut your mouth you rotten elf," yelled the hunter as he resumed dragging Gavin by his side. The hunter had seemed to lose all patience with us as he showed his true self. I looked back at the ground as I tried to gather my thoughts. If I let him take Gavin, I'd never forgive myself. Knowing that, I decided nothing else mattered. It was the moment of truth.

"I said you can't take him," I yelled as I quickly ran up behind the hunter grabbing Gavin's arm. "He's my brother. You'll have to kill me before you take him."

With a sudden blow, I found myself face down in the dirt before I even knew what hit me. "Your pushing my limits half breed," said the hunter. "There is nothing you can do about this. This is just the way it is."

The hunter took out his long golden blade and held it towards me. "Don't try that little stunt again. You won't be greeted with the same kindness."

I back pedaled as fear took over. My eyes were locked on Gavin as I heard a faint sound in the distance that seemed to be getting closer. It was a rumbling sound, something that I'd heard so many times before. It was the sound of galloping horses. A burst of excitement exploded inside me as I now had some hope. "Someones coming!" I screamed. "Those are horses Gavin!"

It was a mix of excitement and nervousness as the noise got closer and closer. There was either more trouble coming, or perhaps, a kind soul was coming to save us. I could only hope as I watched a faint dot in the distance grow bigger and bigger with each passing moment.

The hunter yanked Gavin's arm as he tried his best to leave before the horses arrived. "Get up elf! We must leave at once," he yelled in a panic. "Kick those legs of yours before I chop them off!"

Gavin refused to run as the hunter seemed to lose all patience. Swiftly, the hunter slapped Gavin in a fit of rage. "You will run elf. Do you understand?"

Gavin laid on the ground as the hunter drew his blade from his side. "I said, climb to your feet or die. If you don't get to your feet, I will be bringing your head back with me. Is that what you want?" he screamed.

Slowly, Gavin rolled on to his back as he still refused to get up. The thundering boom of the horses were now mixed in with another sound. Looking at the hunter, I knew he was serious as I tried to talk some sense into Gavin. "Get up Gavin! He's gonna kill you," I yelled as I hoped he would listen.

Still, Gavin refused to move even an inch as if he had a death wish. Taking matters into my own hands, I knew I had to do something. I raised both hands into the air as I screamed at the hunter. "He's gonna get up, let me get him up for you."

Only yards behind the hunter, the dots I saw earlier were now nearly upon us. Approaching with intense speed were two white horses pulling a wooden wagon. The sound had gotten so loud that it muffled out the hunter's voice as he continued to yell at Gavin. Visually, only his lips seemed to move as the wagon came to a halt right behind him. Then, like a scared rodent not knowing which direction to run, the hunter darted to the left and then to the right in a frenzy.

Taking advantage of the situation, Gavin quickly crawled towards me until I felt his cold hands wrap around my ankle. "get behind me," I said. "Stay behind me and get ready to run if I give you the word."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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