Chapter 2

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It was the night of the ball. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a red dress that was very tight at the top and very wide at the bottom. My hair was put up in a bun and I wore a lipstick in the same colour red as the dress.

When my parents came in, they were speechless. "Wow!" Snow said. "What your mother said!" says David. I smiled as I thought: It is impossible to move in this dress....

Me, mom and dad walked downstairs. Before we walked in, mom stopped ne. "We've got something for you." she says a she places the tiara on my head. "It was my grandmother's. She gave it to my mother, who gave it to me." mom said. "Thanks mom, I love it!" I say as I hugged her. Dad nodded to the announcer an he announced them. Another night of dancing with guys who where only after her money or the crown .. I thought

After three hours of dancing with guys, I wanted to take a break. When I was walking to my parents a guy with a British accent and jet black hair walked up to me and asked if I cared to dance to dance. Against my will, I nodded. There was just something about those ocean blue eyes that I couldn't ignore.

As I was walking to the dance floor with him, he said "You really move like a swan in that dress, your majesty. So elegant." He said as he pulled her in for a waltz.

When we were dancing, I had the chance to look at him closely. He had a bit of a stubble that matched his hair perfectly. He had a very strong jawline and the most beautiful ocean blue eyes. "Enjoying the view as much as I am?" he asked. I realised I was staring at him. I looked down and blushed.


"Don't be ashamed, Swan." I said. She looked up to me. "Swan?" She asked. "Oh, right... You told me I moved like a swan in this dress." "You sure do, Swan." I whispered in her ear. She looked at me with her emerald green eyes and said "Who are you? You never told me your name." "Aye, the name is Killian. Killian Jones."

Right after I said my name, I hear the guards yelling "PIRATES! THEY'RE IN THE CASTLE!" "Well, that's my cue to leave." I say. Emma's looked at me surprised. It turned to fear when she realised what I meant with that. "You.. You're a pirate?" She asked while she slowly walked backwards, away from me. "Aye Swan, that I am." I say. A smirk appeared on my face. I walked towards her. Before she got the chance to scream, I pusher her against the wall and put a knife at her neck. "What's wrong love?" I asked while smirking. "Can't handle my charms?" She looked at me with eyes full of fear. From the corner of my eye, I saw that the guards spotted us. I quickly grabbed the tiara from her head and whispered "You will see me again, love." in her ear.

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