Chapter 3

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I couldn't move. I saw mom and dad running towards me with a concerned look in their eyes. "Emma, are you okay?" dad asked. "Yeah, yeah.. I'm fine. But he stole my tiara. Oh mom, I'm so sorry!" I say, whilst holding back my tears. "Oh, honey," she said whilst pulling me into a tight hug, "It's okay. It's not your fault." As I pulled back from mom I say "I'm going to bed. I am very tired after all of this."

When I got to my room, I quickly changed. Right after I put on my sleepwear, a voice behind me made me jump.
"Looks good on you... Love." Chills all over my body. I knew exactly whom this voice belonged to. I quickly turned around, only to see that the pirate was standing on my balcony. "What do you want from me?" I hissed. Killian started walking up to me, so I slowly moved back. Away from him. "You're not scared are you?" Killian said with a smirk. I was standing against the wall, couldn't move further. Duh, I've got magic I thought. I raised my hands and a blast came out of them. It just missed. Killian looked surprised for a moment, but he quickly put the smirk back on his face. "Don't come any closer!" I yelled, "The next one will hit you!" "Oh, is that so?" was the only thing he said, still walking towards me. I raised my hands once more, but it was to late. He stood right in front of me. He raised his left arm, which had a hook attached to it, instead of a hand. Before I knew it, Killian had put his hook around both of my arms and pressed them against the wall. "What do you want fro-" I tried saying, but he put his hand on my mouth so I could not speak anymore. "Oh princess, isn't it clear." he said, "I want you." My eyes got bigger and Killian laughed. "If I get my hand of your mouth, are you going to scream?" he asked. I shook my head, knowing that if I was going to scream, he would hurt me even more then he already has planned. He released his hand from my mouth. "So, love. You've got two options. Either you come along with me willingly or, well, I force you to come with me. And believe me, your stay at my ship won't be as pleasant." "Why would I come with you?" I spat. He leaned in towards me. His forehead almost against mine and his lips only a few inches away. "I know you don't like your life as a princess." he whispered. Oh, really. And how come you're thinking that?" I asked. "Because you're something of a open book" "What if I don't come?" "Well love, I'll kill your parents and then take you. It's up to you." He said whilst coming even closer. "Fine," I heard myself say, "I'll come with you, but you have to promise my parents will be alright" "I promise." he whispered and then pulled back, right before his lips touched mine. "Follow me, love," he says with a smirk. "Oh, and no magic."

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