Chapter 15

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I was still exhausted of last nights events. I hope that I never have to see that pirate again, but the last words that he said to me, made me think that I would see him again. I look at my arm and see the leather cuff around it. I don't recall wearing this? I try to take it of, but it's useless. That can come later, I'm starving.
I entered the breakfast hall. Mom and dad where there already. "Hi honey, how are you feeling?" mom asked. "Still shocked about last night. It's not everyday a pirate intrudes your ball and then holds a knife against your throat." I said. Dad chuckled.
We ate our breakfast in silence. When we were done, I walked back to my room. I saw a guard with a tray of food walking towards the dungeon. Who did my dad capture this time? I thought as I walked to the dungeon. "Emma? What are you doing? You've got a riding lesson in half an hour. You have to get dressed." I hear my mom say. "Okay, mom." I say and walk upstairs.
I felt a bit sick, but I really wanted to go riding today, so I changed.
When I got to the stables, I noticed that there was a new stable boy. "Your Highness. You must be Princess Emma." he said. I nod. "I'm Neal." He grabs my hand and kisses the back of it. "It's an honour to meet you." Weird. I don't recall mom and dad hiring a stable boy. I nod. "It's nice to meet you too." I smile.

As I returned, I immediately went to my room. I really didn't feel well. Mom came in. "How was your riding lesson, honey?" She asks. "It was nice. I didn't go into the woods today because of that pirate from yesterday." I say. "Yeah, that's smart of you." I get up and walk towards the bathroom. I hang above the toilet and puked.


I watched Emma walk into the bathroom and then I hear her puke. She came back. "Honey, are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah, just feeling a bit nauseous. Must be the shock from last night. I've felt like this ever since I woke up." Emma says. "Yeah, must be the shock. Why don't you lay down for a bit. I'll call you when diner is ready." I say. "Okay mom." I get in respond. I get up and watch her once more. Her skin is glowing. Can it really be? Can Emma really be pregnant? I walk out of the room and close the door. I have to tell David. This is even worse then the worst case scenario we had in mind. We thought the biggest problem would be her not drinking the tea. "David, I need to speak with you, now!" I say. "I think Emma is pregnant." "WHAT?!" David yells. "How come you think that?" "Emma has been feeling nauseous all morning and her skin is glowing." I say. "No, no this can't be true." David says. "But what if it is? Emma doesn't even remember the last few months with Hook, let alone her thinking of being in love with him. She's going to ask questions. You and I both know that." I say. "We should have never given her that tea." I sigh.

I know I said something unexpected is coming her way. It was a pun. You get it? Hehehe

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