Chapter 5

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Damon's P.O.V

Once I get Emily to the med building and they place her into a room, I was shoved into a hallway to wait.

All I can hear from the room she's in, are a few screams and whimpers. Her body had already started to heal itself, so they have to go in and dislocate again her shoulder and set it so it would heal properly.

The first scream of hers causes me and my wolf to worry. The second? That is a complete different story. I have to fight for control because my wolf wants to shift, break the door down, and rip apart anyone who was causing our mate harm. It sucks.

Soon after everything calms down, the doctor leaves the room, giving me a tight smile.

"Alpha. I got her arm reset and in a sling. She should be healed fully and be fine in about a day or so. Don't let her put too much strain on her arm or do any combat training for about four days. And don't handle her to roughly." She turns on her heel and walks away after I give her a curt nod.

I slowly enter the room Emily is in and see her sitting on the side of the bed, her beautiful face tear stained. My heart brakes even more just seeing that. I walk swiftly over to her, not caring about the nurse in the room, grab her cheeks in my hands and bend to take her mouth with mine. The kiss was meant to be brief. It was anything but. It was more passionate than I had intended, and when she gasps I take full advantage slipping my tongue in to tangle with hers.

She relaxes after a moment and moans into the kiss as she wraps her good arm around my neck. I feel the very painful strain of my jeans from her little sounds alone, and have to pull away before I did anything that would scar the poor nurse and piss Emily off at me even more than what she probably already was.

When we do pull apart, we both are gasping for air and she has a nice rosy pink tint to her cheeks. Her eyes are slightly glazed, and damn if I can't help but to think about what she would look like, pinned under me after very passionately making love to her. I growl and step further back, as my wolf howls at the images floating in our mind.

After we both seem to recover, I hold my hand out to her.

"Come." I beckon her.

She hesitates for a moment, but places her hand gently in mine. I help her to stand and lead her out of the room and towards the exit of the building in silence. Finally, outside, I take a look around and spot a trail that leads through a thin barrier of trees that is on one side of the pack house. But I am not ready to take her back home just yet. She may not be ready to take my mark, but I still want to spend as much time as possible with her.

"How do you get to the spot you took me to by the river?" I turn to her asking quietly.

She blushes and leads me to the tree line and down a different, slightly hidden pathway. We walk in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, before she reaches over and threads her fingers with mine. I smile at the small contact and silently thank the moon goddess for this beautiful creature she had decided should be my other half.

"Emily, I am sorry about your shoulder. I didn't mean to hurt you."

She looks up at me briefly then back down at the path.

"It's not your fault Damon. I should have stopped, but I wanted to show you what I have been learning. What I can do." Her voice is small as she speaks.

I raise a brow at her. "You were showing off?"

She blushes then slowly nods. "In the end I was. But those first few swings were because I was pissed."

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