Chapter 11

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Emily's P.O.V

I sat in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to bring him back from doing an MRI. Hearing that he didn't remember me tore out whatever of my heart I had left. Crystal was currently staying with mom, Tyler was taking care of pack items that didn't need my immediate attention, Drake had gone with the trackers to see if the could pick up his scent again, Nik and Sage found out they were expecting again, and Todd has spent most of his time in the training rooms ignoring me. It's been a week since Damon came back and I have spent most of my time here with him no matter how much it killed me, because he wouldn't let me go. If I tried to leave, he go bat shit crazy and tare his room apart.

They can't seem to find out why he has memory loss so they brought in someone from his past that he remembers to see if it would trigger anything. When they brought in Victoria I had to leave the room and go for a run to calm my wolf down because he would always pull her to him and they would make out like teenagers. I could kill her. Easily snap her neck with out remorse, but the doctors think that if she sticks around enough it may wiggle a little memory free. But yet it was slowly killing me and my wolf.

"So they still let the stray stay? What a pity. To bad for you that he'll never remember you. Soon he'll be back to his old self and you'll be forced to hand back over the position to him, that you should have never been in."

I roll my eyes and look up to see Victoria smirking. Oh what it wouldn't take to break that pretty little nose of hers.

"What do you want?" I growl toward her.

"Oh you know what I want. And soon I will have it. Before you know it I'll be the one to wear Damon's mark and we will be mated. You'll be kicked out of the pack house along with your bas..."

I cut her off by slamming her against the wall by her throat. My wolf surfaced and I saw that she knew by the widening of her eyes. "Don't you dare say a thing about my daughter. You can throw your petty insults of me around all you like. But if I even so much as hear you whisper her name is will not hesitate to rip your fuck ingredients head off and send it up to Canada to your real mate." Her eyes widened further. "That's right vik. I know about Zane. I know how you rejecting him in hopes to be Luna to Damon. I know that before you rejected him you got pregnant with his son, who now lives with him. And I know that you never once told Damon. You can forget your delusion of being with Damon for the rest of your life. Damon Thorn is my mate, and sooner or later he will get his memories and I will get him back."

There was a harsh gasp behind me and I just knew Damon was there.

"What do you mean I am your mate?"

I closed my eyes, releasing the bitch letting her slump to the floor. I turn towards Damon who is standing from the wheeler chair they had pushed him in.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way." Was all I could say.

"when did you plan on sharing this information to me? It would explain a hell of a lot." He growls.

I sigh. "The doctors said that since you couldn't remember me that it would be best to wait it out and see if those memories came back. They said that to much at one time could hurt you even further."

Damon shook his head. "I deserved to know when I asked you the first time who you were. Not days later when I've been in the arms of another woman." He points to Victoria.

"Damon..." I begin.

He holds up a hand. "Don't. Because quit frankly I don't know if you are telling the truth or lying. Apart of me wants to believe you. But I am also questioning if I was really your mate why didn't you fight for me?"

This sends a sting to my heart. "What the fuck do you think I have been doing for the past three years you were gone? I have been the only one who hasn't gave up on looking for you. I ran your pack day and night in you absence because no one wanted to step up. The very night you came back I was fixing to give up all my hope of ever finding you, being with you to satisfy the fucking council. They were telling me I wouldn't be able to run your pack anymore if I didn't have a mate beside me. They were going to hand your pack over to another to be merged and I would have lost the last part I had left of you. And you say I didn't fight for you?" Tears swelled in my eyes. "Damon I have been doing nothing but fighting for you. For us. For Crystal."

He tenses up "Who's crystal."

"The little girl I adopted 3 months after you were gone. She's my daughter. Her real parents are dead and no one wanted her but me."

He doesn't say anything for a while. So Victoria uses this chance to run to him. "You aren't going to listen to her spit these lies are you?" She grasps his arm.

I let out a low threatening growl. "Remove your fucking hand from my mate if you want to keep it."

She gulps and drops her hands. But Damon growls back.

"Enough! I don't know what's the truth and what's a lie right now. And sadly my wolf is in a dormant state and I don't have my memories. So until my wolf wakes up or I get my memories back, you will stand down. You will not disrespect me or you future Luna."

Victoria smiled as she is pulled to Damon's side. With no heart left to break, I shift and run out of the hospital.

Omg. I can't believe I have gotten this far!! I am so excited, but then I am not ready for it to end.

What do you guys think? I think Victoria is a complete bitch for the way she is taking advantage of Damon and his memory loss.

What about that twist of her mate and son?

Comment let me know your thoughts.
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Love you guys 💋

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