Chapter 24

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Emily's P.O.V

The next morning the entire pack is in a hustle and bustle to get everything ready for tonight's ceremony. When I had woken up, I noticed I was wearing Damon's shirt and Crystal was put to bed. But Damon wasn't anywhere to be found. So I had quickly got a shower and dressed in jeans and a pink and grey shirt. I left my hair up in a ponytail because I didn't want to deal with it.

I was now at the mall with my mom and Sage. Crystal and Bayleigh were with a sitter. We came to get dresses and shoes for us and the girls for tonight. We were taking a break from shopping and were sitting at the food court drinking Starbucks. I had to get my banana nut muffin that I so loved since I didn't have a chance to eat breakfast.

"I can't believe my baby is already grown and fixing to have her own mating ceremony. Seems like yesterday your dad and I were bringing you home for the first time." My mother gushes as she takes a sip from her iced caramel mocha. "Now you have a wonderful mate, adopted a beautiful daughter, not to mention you will become a queen not just a Luna. And before you know it you will be having your own pups." Tears formed in her eyes.

I sighed. She's been getting emotional on me this entire morning. "Mom... come on now. Just because I am grown doesn't mean I will be leaving you. And what's with all the crying? Are you sure you aren't pregnant?" I wink at her and when she says nothing I almost drop my tea. Sage squeals.


My mother blushes, she actually blushes! "Mom, come on. Spill."

"I know I am getting older, but yeah. I noticed yesterday something was different and so I saw the pack doctor, and well he confirmed. Being of Alpha blood and having an Alpha mate its progressing just as quickly as it did with you. I am only a few days, but it feels more like almost two months. Don't say anything you two, I haven't told your father yet."

I jump up from my seat and engulf her in a tight hug. "Mom it doesn't matter how old you are. The Moon Goddess saw this as a chance to bless you. And you know being a wolf you could go maybe 20 more years still popping out pups and it won't harm you." I sit down in my seat again and just stare at her. "Man, here I thought I would be the next to fall pregnant."

"Btw, how is that going? I mean Damon was gone for three years, you were kidnapped. I figured he would have you locked up in the house somewhere and wouldn't let you leave the bed until you couldn't move anymore." Sage states bluntly.

I blush and burry my head in my hands. "Well two nights ago we did finally mate. And it was amazing. Then he ended waking me up yesterday morning to another quick round and that was it."

"That's it? Two rounds? Oh hell no. okay I am keeping Crystal tonight and you two are going to spend the entire night mating like rabbits. I want you pregnant by in the morning." Sage snatches a piece of my muffin.

"It's not all about sex Sage. Yeah it's mind blowing, something I have never experienced before. But I loved all the little things. The flirtatious smiles, and winks. The soft kisses to my cheek or mark. How he holds me at night when we are falling asleep. The little glances he doesn't think I notice." I say dreamily.

Sage rolls her eyes. "Girl I know what you mean. It's the same for Nik. I love the same as well. But I also love how he caresses me at night, how he pins me down and takes what he knows only belongs to him." She trails off.

My mother just looks between us. "You both are right. It's not always about the sex, but damn when he does take control in the bed room, he's showing you who only has his attention and he's appreciating his mate. I know it seems gross to you, but your father still makes me sore sometimes."

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