Chapter 9

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Emily's P.O.V.

The 6 of us: Tyler, Todd, Drake, Nik, Sage and myself, sit in the back of the limo that is taking us to the meeting my father is hosting. In all honesty it's more of another one of his many parties. I groan inwardly thinking about what they are going to expect from me tonight. I look over at Sage who was currently whispering to Nik and laughing softly when he would brush a strain of hair behind her ear or kiss on her mark.

I take a deep breath and turn to look out the window. Images of Damon doing that with me flash in my mind and I bite my lip to bring myself out of my fantasies. I have to accept the fact that I won't ever have that.

I feel a hand grasp my knee and give a small squeeze before lifting away. I look over at Todd and he gives me a reassuring smile.

"You okay?" he whispers.

I just nod my head and turn to look back out the window not missing the look that Drake is giving Todd. I soon see my father's pack house coming into view, and my stomach starts doing summer saults. I am not ready for this.


Yeah? She sounds weak.

Will you be with me through this?

She takes a moment but then responds, Yes. But our mate would not want us to mate with someone else.

Damon's gone Tess. And I am losing hope that he is coming back.

He will come back, Emily. Our mate would not leave us.

I sigh at her last comment and slide out of the car as the driver opens the door. Everyone piles out behind me and soon Todd is placing a hand high on my waist giving me a slight nudge forward. We weave our way through the crowd that is spilling out on the lawn, and into the double doors that lead into the meeting hall. Memories flood my thoughts and I do my best not to turn around a haul butt out of there.

"Emily! You made it!" my mom calls to me rushing over and wrapping her arms around my shoulders. "Oh my sweet girl, how have you been?"

I laugh lightly. "Mom! You just saw me a week ago."

She lets me go and steps back. "I know sweetie, but that still doesn't mean I don't want to know how my daughter has been. How about my granddaughter?"

"Crystal is doing fine. She's getting bigger every day. You should have seen her the other day. She showed that she's got her mommas temper. She knocked Todd in the nose because he called her a little munchkin."

My mom laughed out loud and looked toward Todd. "And how did your ego take being hit by a child?"

Todd placed a hand over his chest in a mocking mannor. "She wounded my pride madam Luna."

We laughed again before someone cleared their throat next to me. Great, Jackson.

"Emily, I must say you look stunning tonight." Jackson licked his lips and looked me up and down.

I rolled my eyes and leaned more toward Todd, the action not going unnoticed by my mother.

"Well thanks Jax. I have to say, you still look like the man whore from high school." I cocked an eyebrow at him. He narrowed his eyes.

"You maybe Female Alpha now, but you still need to watch how you talk to me."

Todd stepped in between us. "I think it's time you moved on with your evening. You can clearly see Alpha Emily, isn't interested in any way to your advances."

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