Chapter 22

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Warning! There is a short, sexual scene.

Damon's P.O.V

I lay there next to my tiny mate watching her sleep peacefully. I have myself propped up on one elbow looking down at her trying to commit every little feature of hers to memory. Her soft blond hair falling in waves over the pillows, her long lashes kissing her cheeks that still hold a blush from our love making, full, pouty red lips that are swollen from my kisses, and the wonderful mark on her neck that will show everyone she is mine.

I feel pride swell in my chest as I kiss my mark softly dragging a soft moan from her lips. Even in her sleep she still feels me. I can't believe this beautiful woman is mine. My mate, my luna, and maybe someday soon the mother of my pups.

Thinking of her swollen with my pups draws out a memory. I am sitting in the grass near a stream, she's leaning back against my chest giggling at my crude behavior as I suggest the fun we would have trying to get her pregnant.

I shake my head amazed that I finally remember something from a time we spent together. Wrapping an arm under her and hugging her close, I place one hand one her flat stomach and whisper in her ear.

"I can't wait till the day you are carrying our pup. And I still think it would be fun just trying to get you that way." I nip her ear and she whimpers in her sleep and snuggles closer to me.

I feel myself harden at her sounds. I slide a hand down to between her legs and find she's already damp. I groan and slip a finger inside her. I figure this would be a good way to wake her. I stroke her gently until her eyes flutter and she moans softly.

When I know she's awake enough I lay her on her back and slowly push myself into her burying myself to the hilt. Gasping, she reaches up and grips my shoulders. I lean forward and kiss her gently while slowly rocking my hips.

Pulling back, I look into her beautiful eyes. "Good morning babe."

She shivers when I push slowly into her again. "Good morning."

I smile as she arches to meet my thrusts moaning my name. I lean down and bite onto my mark when I feel her quiver and it sets her off. Having her come apart for me like that was an amazing feeling and it helped push me over the edge. When she senses I was close, she bites deeply into her mark and I shout out her name, releasing inside her. I collapse holding her close to me, my face buried in her neck.

She licks her mark closing it back up. I keep my face in her neck not wanting to break our connection. When I do finally move I look down at her flushed face.

"Well, that's one hell of a way to wake someone up?" She sighs.

I laugh and place a kiss to her perfect lips. "Yeah. It's very effective."

"Well, Mr. Alpha, I better be the only one you ever wake up like that." She arches an eyebrow.

I laugh and kiss her lips one last time before pulling out of her. "No worries babe. You are the only one who gets the pleasure to see and have all of this." I sit up and motion to my body.

She giggles and oh man that's an amazing sound. "Well aren't I just the lucky girl?"

"Damn straight. And I am one lucky man." I kiss her again. Can't help it, her lips are too sweet. "How about a shower?"

She nods and I lead her into the bathroom.


Emily's P.O.V

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