Chapter Five (Edited)

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"Your Highness please wake up, Queen Beatrice has called."

I opened one eye and looked at my main Valet. Seriously, I was fucking tired, as if I had run a marathon. This idiot was waking me up and getting on my last nerves. I rolled away and came face to face with my mistress, Miss Emma Scott. I squinted against the instant headache. I must have really been drunk last night, I thought because, she never in the whole year we had been together slept with me all night and in my room. Clearly he was falling off, or that bitch was being sneaky.

Emma knew what was coming. I wouldn't put it past her to fake a pregnancy, to keep me. IN the event of something like that, I'd be keeping the baby and she would be gone. If she thought she had a chance, she was sadly mistaken. I jumped quickly out of bed, fully aware of Devin's amused smile.

"What are you smirking at Devin," I demanded?

"Nothing at all in particular, your highness," but the smile stayed and I couldn't help but smile as well.

"Would you get rid of Miss Scott when I leave out of here." I requested, walking into my dressing room. Looking at my body, I noticed a few scratches on my arms and back. Emma was being conniving. She had never marked me. Today, of all days, she decided to. I had half a mind to go drag her from my apartments myself, but that would be bad for the image. I was just going to rub some salve on myself and call it a day.

"Of Course, sir." Devin was totally beaming now.

"What did you want again," I urged again, still partially sleep.

"The Queen called and requested your presence. Apparently the princess has arrived." Devin replied smugly.

"When?" I asked, a little irritated. I didn't like to be woken up, and I didn't like being summoned. It was not in my DNA.

"Yesterday, your highness," Devin spoke professionally and without judgement. Not returning a call from the Queen was frowned upon however, I was a prince and soon to be king, so I was good for it.

"I'm surprised they didn't want me there to welcome the little woman. Oh well, I'm going to bathe. Can you please lay out my evening clothes and get rid of her. Also send a message that I will be around for dinner to the castle." Cornell said, stripping.

Devin nodded and waited patiently for me to walk into his bath before waking up the ever willing Miss Scott. I was really going to miss my nights with her, but I was about to be married, and to some American breed chick. I really hoped she had some home training. The last Americans I met were reckless and so full of themselves.

I wasn't really one to judge, but I had nothing but bad experiences with them. I wondered if she was pretty, probably not. It was my duty to marry her. No matter how she looked, I just hoped she wasn't a wildebeest. At twenty four, I had my fair share of women and to be truthful, I was tired of them throwing themselves at me. Being a prince had its perks, but only for so long. It was getting boring. I craved excitement with a woman, something I had yet to find.

I doubted I would find it with her, Victoria Duval. Even her name implied strictness and discomfort. Surely she has been going to some private school and surely she knew nothing about men. Smiling, I thought about how he would tease her and make her blush. I had been told she was pure and that would make my job a little easier.

I walked out the bathroom and without a word Devin began to dress me. I wondered if she knew we were to be married soon. Maybe that would be my surprise for her. Drop it to her like a bomb and shock her.

"Devin, has anyone got a look at the princess," I asked. Devin always had all the info, it's why I kept him around, beside him knowing the things I liked. Anything I needed to know Devin was always my go-to guy.

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