Chapter 1

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His life was ruined. It always has been, since they caught him anyway. Danny layed there, staring at the fadded white wall. He was thinking about what happened that day, the day he was told his parents everything. They called them, The Guys in White.
The door of his cell opened, causing Danny to sink into the nearest corner. As he did this he left a trail of green and red. He had a feeling about today. One he hadn't felt in a year, hope. The agents grabbed his arms and started to drag him like a rag doll. This time he was fighting back.
"So decided to fight back today, Phantom?" The agent sneered. Danny ignored him and continued to struggle. He didn't want to lose the hope he has left. He swung his leg out and it connected with the agent's. His leg buckled under him, losing his grip on Danny. With the last bit of strength, Danny punched the other agent in the nose. When he dropped to the floor, he started to run. Danny didn't know where he was going, but it was the feeling of freedom that kept him going.
After a few turns and dead ends, he found it. The door that would lead him to his freedom. Then the alarms started to shriek. Footsteps pounded down the white tiled floor. Shouts bouced down the empty halls, reaching the halfa's ears. Adrenalin pumping through his vains, he picked up the pace. He streached out a hand and grabbed the door handle. He thrusted it open. Danny took a leap of faith, hoping he was still able to fly.
He was able to get a few miles away before chrashing to the earth below him. Pain coursed through his body. He looked down and saw the wound that they cause. The giant "Y" started at his chest and streached down to his belly button. Danny layed there for a few minutes, starin at the starey night sky. He would have stayed if he wasn't on the run.
Danny struggled to get up as another wave of agony washed over him. He bit his cracked lip, blood entering his mouth. He didn't care, hee just wanted to get away. He started to walk, but only got a few feet before colapsing in exaustion. He rolled over, leaving a red and green "Y" in the earth. So this is it, he thought. He never knew it was going to end like this. He closed his eyes and let the darkness take over. Danny never noticed a blue man in a purple cloak, watching every minute of it.
"I'm sorry, Daniel. At least you will now be safe," the man whispered. He waved his staff and a ball of light cover the halfa for a split second. Then he disappered. "You will be loved again." The man opened a portal to his home, the Ghost Zone, and walked through.

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