Chapter 13

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Hey readers. Sorry i haven't added to this story in a while. I have had the worse case of writer's block ever. Hope you like this chapter.

       Danny woke to the buzz of the incom, telling Luna that someone was here. She pushed the button to let the visiter in. A little while later, Yusei came in. In his hands was a piece of black fabric wrapped in a crinkley plastic.
       Danny walked over to his friends, sniffing the air in curiosity. Only the discusting smell of plastic reached him. Luna looked down at him and smiled. She unwrapped the black cloth and crouched down to his level. Unfolding it, she showed it to him.
       The black fabric turned out to be a bandana. What shocked him the most was his famous Danny Phantom design stitched in.
       Luna turned it around so it now faced her and tied it around his neck.
      "Thank you," he whispered, wincing at how hoarse his voice was.
      "Your welcome," she said. Luna scratched behind his ear. It felt good, he had to admit that. He leaned into her touch and let out a small coo. He almost topled over when she stopped, reciving a giggle from the teal-haired girl.
      She stood up from her position and said bye to Yusei, before going back to join her brother, Danny following happily. He looked at the cards scattered on the coffee table. Luna's own deck not too far from the mess.
      One card caught his intrest. The Dark Witch. It reminded him of Sam. Oh how much he misses that girl. He sat there and stared at the it's picture, thinking of their happy memories. How many times he had to come to her, bloody and beaten from what ever ghost he had to fight. Or how many times he had to wake her to do it, getting a very cranky goth in the morning.
      He let out a small giggle, remembering her many cases of bedhead. His thoughts then traveled to Danielle, his daughter. Danny had found that out before he was dragged away by the Guys in White.
      Vlad had taken the samples from his brush, not knowing that Sam has also used it after some of the messier battles. They had even done the test. It came out as a positive for both of them. After that, they spent more time as a family.
      His thoughts then wondered to the one who had tested their DNA: Tucker. He missed his nerd of a friend and his electronics. He was always there, the nerd was even there to see him get dragged away, kicking and screaming. He remembers his tear-streaked face as he was taken. Sam's masscara running down her cheeks, Dani hidding her face in her mother's shoulder.
      A tear dropped on the table's dark wood. He blinked, chasing the sad memory away. The small drop didn't go unnoticed by the twins. Two sets of arms wrapped around his frame. He sallowed down his fear. They won't hurt him.
      After a few moments, the twins withdrew from the embrace. Luna grabbed the card and added it to her deck.
      "Does it remind you of her?" He nodded. She already saw some of his memories. But there were some he wanted to keep to himself. "I'm sorry she had to watch you get dragged away. I would have also loved to have met your daughter. She seems nice," Luna said casualy.
      Danny looked at a very shocked Leo.
      "You have a DAUGHTER!" He said, jaw still hanging open. His twin looked at Danny the back at him.
      "Yeah," Luna said before explaining everything. From when he thought of Dani as a cusin to all the testing Tuucker did. She even, sadly, mentioned when he was being taken.
       When Luna was done, her mark started to give off a bright red glow. She pulled her sleeve up and stared at it for a while before muttering,"Yusei" under her breath. She stood up, grabbed her deck ad made a run for the door, Danny and Leo in tow.

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