Chapter Nine

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I woke up to a steaming plate of spaghetti bolognaise on the bedside table, the delicious fragrance of basil, garlic and tomato wafting over to me. I sat up eagerly and reached for the plate; and froze. I’d moved quickly—too quickly. Pain should have been shooting up my leg, making me double over and retch. But I felt fine. I tossed back the blankets and gasped. The bandage was gone, and all that remained of my stab wound was a thin red scar. I glanced at the clock; but I’d only been asleep for seven hours. I shrugged it off as angel magic, and reached for the plate of spaghetti, finishing it off in, what felt like, seconds. I had been starving. A familiar duffel bag sat on the end of my bed, with a note attached. I picked it up gingerly, as if it would bite me. God, I was becoming paranoid.


Danny and some other hottie—Jaime, I think his name was—came over and told me you were home, but that you’d been injured, and had to stay in bed over there for a few days; they said you couldn’t be moved. Gosh I hope you’re okay, girlie. They wouldn’t tell me much. Anyways, they asked me to pack up some clothes for you, so I happily obliged. You left your phone here, so I packed that too. Call me ASAP! I’m worried sick!


P.S. If you don’t take advantage of the fact that you’re at Danny’s house, with Danny, without parental supervision, I will personally slaughter you. That is too good an opportunity to pass up.

I struggled not to giggle at the note as I shoved it into a pocket of the duffel bag. Inside, I found a few pairs of underwear, a pair of my cutest jeans, a few tops, and a pair of white shorts. I put the shorts on, just in case the mysterious healing of my leg would be aggravated by the jeans, and a thin yellow tank top with ‘I’m here, now what are your other two wishes?’ printed on it. Piper had also packed my hairbrush, my toothbrush—thank god—and a pair of pale blue sneakers. Once I was somewhat presentable, I opened the bedroom door and stepped outside. Walking on it, I noticed an ache in my leg, like one I would have the morning after doing one hundred lunges, but that was the worst of the pain.

I found myself on a landing, which led to three other rooms, and a large double staircase which swooped down to the foyer below. A moment after I stepped from the bedroom, the door next to me opened, and Danny stepped out, wearing nothing but a pair of jeans, and scrubbing water from his hair with a towel. He froze at the sight of me, and then an amused grin flashed across his lips.

“About time you woke up.” He tossed his towel back into the bathroom behind him and sauntered towards me, thumbs through his belt loops.

“Are you going to put a shirt on?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Why? Am I distracting you?” His eyes sparkled with humour.

“Good to see you’re back to your usual charming self.” I muttered sarcastically. “Unfortunately I won’t be around to see more of it; I’m heading home.” I turned to head down the stairs, the duffel bag slung over one shoulder, when Danny’s arm snaked out around my waist and pulled me back.

“Unfortunately,” Danny said, mocking my tone. “You’ll be staying here until further notice. You’re being tracked by Saxon’s men, and I’m not going to risk them getting at you when I’m not around.”

“What about Piper? Won’t she be in danger if a bunch of fallen angels decide to ambush my house?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

He hesitated for a split second before answering, but it was enough. “No—”

“She will! I’m not going to leave her there alone, Danny. I will not risk her being in danger.”

“Tasia, she—”

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