Yuji x Reader: French Kissing

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WARNING: This story is not a full lemon so I guess they're called...a lime -if I am correct even though I never
heard of them before- So...read, enjoy, favorite, etc...

" Yuji can you please for the love of God, stop bothering me!" You yelled in annoyance. Both of you were suppose to study but he had other ideas in mind. He wanted to make out and to take it to the next level. He thought about it ever since you told him that you were a virgin. He keeps telling you that he promise that he won't be so rough, yet he knows himself he will lose control.

You were writing down notes for school while he kept kissing your neck and poking your chest. He kept acting like a dog in need for attention. Guessing he just came over for the fun.

" Come on! Can you just take a break for me? Please?" Yuji begged with a puppy face. You shooked your head as you kept writing. " No, now get away before I have to rip the piercing out your tongue. And it won't be pretty"

He pouted and rolled his eyes. " Well, can I get kiss before I leave?" He rubbed your shoulders and placed his chin on your head. You sighed and nodded. " Fine."

He smiled. " Yay! Because I wanted to try French kissing." You looked at him confused. " Wait...French kissing? So we kiss like French people?" He shooked his head. " Nope, basically we use our tongues. It might be a bit messy, but its very sexy." He said proudly and stuck his tonge out. Blush came across your face and you pushed him away.

" Yuji no! I'm not gonna get my lips get slobbered by you. What do we look like dogs!?" You turned away and went back to work. He grumbled and stood there, crossing his arms. The room was now just filled with full silence. That's when he thought of an idea. Before he can do anything, he quickly checked and saw that you were still wearing a skirt. He leaned down and whispered in your ear.

" You know, I can French kiss you in two different place. It doesn't have to be your mouth." He smirked and pulled your chair back. " Yuji put me and my chair back." He got under the table and pulled you back. "What are you doing?" He smiled and lifted your skirt up. " I'm gonna French kiss you of course." He said and pulled down your underwear.

You blushed and closed your legs. " Yuji! I said no so many time to you."" Don't worry, you can trust me on this one." He gave you a charming smile, which calms you down. So, you finally decided to trust him for once as he moved your legs apart.

" Wow, I can see that your a virgin." You glared. " Shut up." He chuckled. He held your thighs and slowly licked your womanhood. Pleasured quickly rushed through your body. Trying so hard to keep writing, trying not to drop the pencil. You bit your lip to hold in the noise, slowly getting soaked.

He started licking up your juices that your pouring out and flicks his tongue on your clit. You jumped a bit from the surprised and covered your mouth. You started writing faster so it can be over with because the pleasure he's giving you is making you write sloppy.

" Having fun up there?" He teased. You grabbed his hair and pushed his face closer. " S-Shut up and k-keep g-going." He chuckled and continued. You never knew it will feel great with a piercing.

Fifteen minutes passed, since he wanted to do it again, you were a panting mess. Buuuut you were finally done with your notes. Yuji grabbed his backpack and stretch. Well, today was fun. Guess I'll see ya tomorrow." He waved and walked to the door. Before he can leave, you quickly stood up and threw a book at his hand. " Ow! What was that for?" You blushed and grabbed his arm. " I wanna have sex now. " His eyes were widen in shocked. Then he smirked. " Oh, now you want to. Lets do it then." With that, he quickly tossed you on the bed and open his backpack full of condoms. " Wait, you go to school with that?" He smiled. " Nah, I have to different bags."


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