Chapter 3 - Test me

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After my mum's way-to-serious-to-be-good talk I grabbed a bruised apple and left my mum to dwell on her feelings. As soon as the crisp morning air entered my mouth I saw my Tom at the door. Tom was my closest thing to a friend, she was really pretty with long auburn curls and hazel eyes a contrast to my relatively short dull brown hair and boring blue eyes. All girls had masculine names, it's something mother's did on an effort to try and feel like they weren't failures bringing girls into the world.

Tom's Mum owned a clothes shop, although they were only ever allowed to stock ugly clothes. Tom's Mum was nice which was rare as most mum's hated having to look after their kids and loathed them and the fact they didn't give birth to a boy. Giving birth to a boy was good, the "father" might even give you some money is their very rich and you have birth to a healthy baby boy. The reason I say "father's" is the way people have kids. All woman have to have one child at the age of 22, doctors found a way to put the"father's " DNA and a tiny portion of the mothers together and put it all inside the mothers body. And there you have it, a child if the mother survives childbirth. They often don't. Anyway Tom's Mum is nice and kind and good. She could have been someone powerful if she wasn't a woman.

Tom's face as I walked through the door conveyed her nervousness but for some strange reason she was smiling. Damn the eternal optimist. She pulled my arm with an excited squeal of ,"come on were gonna be late!" The place where The Test is conducted is a corrugated metal warehouse, a place your only allowed to enter when your 17 and the time for your year groups test day, each year it falls upon a different day ranging from February to March. Tom has managed to drag me down the dirt streets towards the warehouses entrance when I saw her. My eternal tormenter, Charlie. "Hey ugly duckling!
!" Her to high pitched voice cut through the air way faster then a knife could have and cut through me just as efficiently.
"What no response?"
"Leave me alone."
"Awww, how sweet she's trying to ignore me!"Tom whispered to me words of encouragement as we entered the warehouse. And standing inferring of me was unmistakably, a man.

Thanks for reading on! It means a lot to me!:) Don't hesitate to comment and I will try and answer ASAP.

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