Case 1: The Beginning (Part 2)

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"Time goes forward. We can't go back to change one thing"

After we called Lieutenant Cranston, we waited 6 minutes. They finally came in. Time was 10:23. Cranston asked, "So, what happened here?". We showed him along with some other officers. "Oh. My. God", he said. "What happened here?", Cranston inquired. "We heard some loud noises",said Mia. "We went to go see and saw this".

"I see", said Cranston. The NYPD placed yellow taped around the room. We are now in a crime scene. One officer came in with an iPad, "Do any of you know your parent's security code?", he asked. "There's supposed to be a paper in the last drawer", I replied. One of the officers checked it, found the code, and entered it into the system. "It says here that your parents signed some guardian papers", she said. "What's that?", I stupidly ask.

"If anything happens to a child's parents, they can be  placed under the care of a guardian that they assign", Cranston answers. "So?, who's gonna be our guardians?", Gio asks. "You're going to be placed under the care of Jerome and Vivian Jansen", one of the officers replied. Jerome and Vivian were our Uncle and Aunt. They're married. They knew what's best for us but treated us with care.

"Their numbers are here, we have to call them", Cranston said. My life will never be the same. Cranston dialed one of our new guardians number, it answered on the fourth ring. "Hello?", said Vivian. "Hi, Mrs. Jansen", said Cranston. "We are calling to inform you that Vincent and Charlotte have both been involved in an..... incident. The papers that we have here state that you and Jerome are now the caretakers of Troy, Giovauni, and Mia Jansen. We advise that you pack any personal belongings and move to the Jansens penthouse as soon as possible".

Vivian gave a shocked expression along with Jerome. After 35 minutes, Vivian and Jerome arrived in their black Audi Q7 with a moving truck. Cranston explained to them what happened, as they try to move the bodies and do further investigation. I've seen many detective shows, there's always some sort of bigger mystery than to what just happened. I think that might be our case here (I hope).

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