Chapter 8 - Invitation

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Sid's POV

I had a bad feeling about being back with my family. Nothing's going great me and dad are forever arguing but I'm just really happy he's leaving for business trip to New Zeland soon and by the time he's back I'll be in India for Selina's wedding.

I decided to drive today but the car broke down. Dad probably punctured the tyre so I don't get to use it. That man hates my guts. When I came back we didn't even have a proper Union. Instead he was glad to see IK who he sees all the time anyway as if he's the one that's seeing him after ages. Just because I'm the less successful son or a struggling writer I'm also the least favourite to my family. Mum can be okay but deep down she cares about IK over me. Everyone likes IK than me. All girls I liked always liked IK not me. He always happened to unintentionally steal away what I desired.

My family thinks I'm lazy and don't do hardwork because i bathe in their money like I avoid asking for money it's mum that gives me it. IK offered to buy my plane ticket but I rejected and worked extra hours just to afford that ticket.

I try to call IK to help me out and rescue me with broken down car situation but he doesn't pick up. Mum and Selina went to jewellery shopping so they can't come and now I have no option but to call the only other person I know who owns a car. I reply do not want to ask her but there's no other option..

BEEP BEEP she arrives and I get inside the car while breakdown service also arrives and take my car to garage while we follow. There's a silence.

"Thanks for coming. You were of the only person left to call to pick me up " I tell her awkwardly. Most of the time I'm horrible to her because of her uptight nature.

" No worries. Had to save your ass. Your dad won't be too happy. Natasha to the rescue" she jokes.

"Well dad is never happy" I bitterly say. My dad is stubborn and so am I. Natasha looks like she's about to say something but doesn't comment.

"Are you going back to Canada after Selina's wedding?" She asks me to break the ice and awkwardness. It's the first time we are properly talking I mean we've seen other other few times. Before but with IK , Selina or our family but never had anything to do with each other. when we did speak it was disagreements. She probably hates my guts I guess I do too I mean I want to hate her but I can't.

"I'm not sure I guess so" I reply

"Oh yeah you don't have any job or anything to go back for" she teases me

"Actually I go have a job other than blogging/writing but it's not important enough to be worth going back for" I say

"Really what?" She looks started.

"I work in a bar" I say

"Haram" she replies

"No it's haram to drink not to serve"I reply annoyed. She really has a low opinion of me.

"Okay Sherlock whatever barman is that what your career is. " she replies. She seems to be in a happy mood.

"Leave my career alone. Just because your career is overrated does not mean other things aren't a career. " I reply to her typical comment

"At least I'm making my own money and not living of my parents wealth and lazy who can't do anything " she replies. I guess my family may have badmouthed me.

"Your Just as bad as them pain Jane. You were too busy studying you forgot to upgrade your appearance" we argue the whole way about stupid little things. Wow this girls fiesty. Thought she was sweet and would cry over my comments but she shoots back. I'm just glad I won't face her after her wedding to IK because I'll get away as far as possible from my family so whether we forever hate other or not won't change anything.


Natasha's POV

"Mum what's this. I told you my wedding is after my graduation now now" I walk and shout and go to her in the kitchen to ask for an explanation for a wedding card I found on my desk after freshening up. My guess is that she has already started making wedding cards.

"Yeah well it's just planning " she casually says while placing brownies on a plate.

"No don't even have a date yet no nothing." I say

"Calm down brizella I was joking. It's your Selina's wedding invitation. Your mother in law sent the card inviting us all to India for the wedding but unfortunately we won't be able to go because your dad did not get holiday and Aron has exams and I can't leave these 2 alone. Lord knows what they'll do without me. Your mother in law specially requested you to join them for 6 weeks to help with preparations and everything and they'll get to know you more" she tells me. I guess 6 weeks with IK isn't that bad. We'll get to spend time together plus it falls after my exam with the 10 week summer holidays. I'm surprised my mums happy for me to go with my boyfriend and his family. It's good she trusts them and me not to do anything dirty before marriage.

I follow her out to the living room only to see a familiar face sitting on the sofa looking down at their phone.

"What's he doing here?" I ask my mother.

"Good to see you too SIS IN LAW" he Replies sarcastically as he always is emphasising on the last word while biting into my mums brownies.

"This lovely young man helped me carry my shopping home. I'm glad my daughter is marrying into such a great family " she smiles.

"Thank Aunty your lovely yourself and the brownies are too ..not so sure bout your daughter though" he says and they both laugh like since when did my mum become best friends with my enemy. I hate him. Sid is such an idiot all he does is ruin my mood I really cannot stand him. He's a douchebag. It's clear he hates me because forever making me feel like shit. I cannot believe he is IK's brother I mean they have completely different personalities. Sid is the worst I can't wait till he leaves. I understand why his parents can't stand him either.

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