Chapter 5

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Chapter Five: Ice cream!

      Next Day.....

     Yesterday was horrible! After I went to the bathroom I told Alex to leave me alone that I was fine. I stayed their for about 30 minutes then I got out and ran out of the school.

      Of course I also forgot that Bella drove me to school so I took off my high heels and ran home. My mom wasn't home and Paige wasn't their she was at school.

       Now I'm laying down on my bed looking at my bedroom ceiling. It was white just plain white which I hated.

       My body was numb as memories of Violet and Blake faces came into view. How Violet was looking at me her face filled with victory as I ran away from the group. I felt my heart give a sad thump and I exhale loudly.

       I feel my phone vibrate on my nightstand that was only a few inches away. Outstretching my arm I grab it and answer.

       "Hello?" I say wiping away tears that had fallen mysteriously. "Brooke is that you?" Alexs voice came from the other line and I smile slowly. "Uh yeah!" I said trying to sound cheerfully but failed.

       "I was wondering if you wanted to go to..." He didn't get to finish the sentence because someone interrupted him. After a few seconds he came back and told me that he had to go because someone wanted to talk to him.

       I hung up just in time when Paige came in my room her eyes watery. "Whats wrong?" I was already in protection mode. No one hurts my sister if they do I'll go tell them off.

       "It's mom," She sniffed as a tear rolled down her cheek. I immediately tensed up as she said mom made her cry. "I had something happy to tell her." She continued to tell. "So I went to her room and I see Chole's mom their and mom started to yell at me to get out." More tears rolled down and I hug her as she continued to cry.

      "Shhhh.....It's ok can you tell me your news?" I ask looking at her. She grins and I wipe her tears away. "Today they announced who was going to be president." She states and I smile at her. "And.....I got voted!" I gasp as we both scream of happiness. Paige always wanted to be president and now she is!

         I stop screaming and I smile. "You know what this calls for?" She grins. "ICECREAM!" We both yell as we scramble out of bed.


         "I love this place!" Paige says jumping up and down. We were at her favorite ice cream parlor that had endless flavors and toppings. The place had checkered floor and walls. The furniture was a plain white color with glass tables.

       The place smelled of chocolate and vanilla together. I run up to Paige and order with her. We both ordered swirls which is half chocolate and half vanilla.

       Once we sat down we talked and laughed as we ate. For one in my life I'm finally happy and free. I thought as Paige was about to eat her ice cream again but I grabbed it and lightly put it on her nose.

        She was surprised and did the same to me but harder. I laugh as the bell of the door chimed. I looked up and I smiled more - well more like grinned. Alex stood their as he ordered unaware of my presence.

        "I'll be right back Paige. Stay here." I say as I got up and went to the cashier where Alex was. The cashier looked at me and I smiled. "Can I please have more napkins please!" I say cheerfully and he hands me some. I look to Alex as he already was staring at me.

        "Hey!" I chirped and he smiled and I mean an actual smile. "Come join us! I'm with my little sister." He nods and come closer to me. My heart speeded up and my stomach leaped.

        He grabs one napkin and gently wiped my nose. I blushed remembering the ice cream fight with Paige. "Their." He said as his chest rose and fell.

        I cleared my throat and gestured him to the table. Paige was still eating her ice cream when we came back. She smiled as her eyes landed on Alex. "Hi!" shes says and Alex smiles again. "Hi. My name is Alex yours?" He sat down opposite from Paige. "My name is Paige!" She smiles at him then at me as if saying 'you never told me about him.'

        I had a feeling these two were going to get along just fine.



Sorry for not uploading three or four months ago. But I promise im back just a little sad but thats not going to stop me! Also check out my new story Upon the Stars well im not sure yet. Well I have to go do homework now bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2013 ⏰

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