Chapter 1

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Chapter One ~ I'm Not The Popular Type.

          ~ Brooke~

"School barley starts and you have dance practice!" Jessica whines as we jog in athletics. I let the sun warm me and take a minute before I answer. "I know school barley started but I only have four days to practice my solo and my group dance and after the four days It's compitition." We slow to a stop and sit on the grass and stare at the sky as the white puffy clouds flow freely not caring what their doing.

In the middle of guessing what the clouds are Clarissa comes running towards us and makes us get up. Her smile was ear to ear as she jumps up and down sqealing her hands moving back and fourth. I get her hands and hold her down as she finally calms down. "What happened?" I asked as her smile grows wider.

"Alex broke up with Violet!" She squeals again and I roll my eyes at her child behavier. Still It's a shocker due to the fact that they were the It-Couple of the school. "Wait their is still more!" Claissa said breaking my train of thought. "Violet was cheating on Alex with his bestfriend Blake!" Jessica gasp and I stay still not shocked about these news. "Brooke why are you not shocked?" Clarissa asked her eyes studying mine.

"I'm not shocked because I knew one day this would happen I mean have you seen Violet throwing herself at Blake?" I ask as they both look at me with confushion. "Never mind." I said as the bell rang for us to go home.

I say my goodbye's and I go to my truck not before I hear Blake say to his friends, "Have any of you guys seen Alex?" I walk home because my car is in the shop being repaired. As I walk on the sidewalk my shoe lace got untied. When I finished tieing my shoes I hear muttering up ahead where the forest was and tree branches broke. I slowly walk to the forest and see a back towards me and blonde hair.

I walk even closer but I trip over a rock and fall flat on the ground. The body turns around and great just great It's Alex. He comes towards me and helps me get up. I clean my legs as he studies me closely as I clean my back.

"Are you all right?" He asks as he checks my face. "Yeah I'm alright I have to go." I look up and I imediatly regret looking up because the next thing I know I see stars. "Is it normal to see stars?" Before I know It I black out......


I slowly open my eyes to see blue walls and a unfamiliar scent all around me. I look to the side and see a glass of water with a little box of pills and a blue cloth. I examine the room more carefully to see if I'm In my older brother's room but his walls are white.

I mutter some random words and try to get up. In the middle of me batteling for just getting up I hear footsteps coming towards the room I was in. I quickly react by throwing myself to the floor and hiding under the bed. 

What happens to be that it's a kidnapper, and he will make me into a slave?

My heart starts racing as the door opens and makes a slam. He walks to the bed and starts searching all over the room muttering things as he looked for me. I close my eyes and pray for god to let me go home safely as the footsteps stop.

The next thing I know I'm sliding and hitting my head reapetedly on the ground. I scream and the kidnapper covers my mouth and puts me in the bed. I try to squirm but I fail badly as the kidnapper puts more force on my arms.

"Will you be quiet you acting like a psyco path!" He yells and I freeze. I open my eyes to see Alex their looking at me with wide eyes. "Says the one who doesen't tell the person who he is!" I say back as he realeses me from his grip.

I hold my wrist and rub them as he lays down next to me asnd we both stare at the fan in silence. The silence was comftorble not the type that silence that you would want to kill that person in that instance. The only thing that killed it was my head screaming in pain and throbbing badly.

"Do you have any medicine for head pain?" I ask as Alex lookes at me. "Yeah let me give it to you." He gets up making the bed move up than down. He gets the pills and the glass of water and hands it to me. "Here take two pills and drink lots of water." He helps me up and I drink all the water and take the pills.

"So how did you find me?" He askes as I give him back his glass of water. "I was walking home and I see you in the woods." I say simply as I rest my back on the bed board. He laughs probably seeing me passing out on the ground.

I clear my throut as he makes me uncomftorble. Then my mind clicks for a combact, "I heared that your bestfreind was dating your girlfreind." He stops laughing and looks at me with amusment. I smirk at his reation.

"Listen I know we barely met but your attitude might be well for my plan..." He looks at me and his eyes light up like a kid getting a sugar rush. I'm not liking where this is going so I look at him making him go on.

"Since the breakup I decided to put Violet in her place and make a new queen bee." He said looking at me. "Why are you telling me this?" I tell him as a smile appears on his face.

"I'm telling you because I want you to put Violet in her place." I turn to him and his smile grows wider as he sees my reaction. "You want me to put Violet in her place?" I ask and he nods like it's the most simple thing on Earth.

"I don't have the potential to put someone like Violet in her place." Alex runs a hand over his hair and sights. "Your making such and easy thing sound so hard." He says as he stands up. "When it comes to Violet it should be dang hard." I say as I get up. I get my things and walk to the door, but got dragged back with his strong arms.

"Let go of me!" I yell as he puts me in a chair. "Your not leaveing this room without an answer." He says and I take a minute to think about it.

It won't be that bad I mean he will be by my side when something terrible is about to happen right? Ok I know that just totally sounded like he was my boyfriend, but I have a feeling that if I join he will be their.

"I'm waiting." He says as he looks at. I sigh and say, "Fine, but you will be their for me right like when something bad happens?" I ask as I look into his eyes as they light up. "Of course I will be by your side." He says as he lets me go. I get feeling like I made the worst mastake of my life but I ignore it as we get into his car and he takes me home.

He comes to a halt infront of my house and I take off my seatbelt. I open the handel and I'm about to go outside when suddenly he pulls me back and turns me around. I came face to face with him so close that I could feel his warmth all over my face. He comes close only to stop a few inches apart.

"Thank you." He says as he breaths deeply. "No problem." I say as we both look into each others eyes. My stomach was filled with wild butterfies as I look into those warming grey eyes. "I have to go." I say as we both move away feeling akward.

I open the car door and close it as I take a deep breath. I walk to the door and turn around to catch Alex staring at me with a smile. I smile back and open the door as I hear his car leave. Once I go in all hell broke loose.....



Sorry I took so long I didn't know what to put in the begging. Also sorry if I missed spelled some words and the secaond part is sorta proof read. I was in a hurry so don't blame me. Chapter 2 is coming up soon.......

Bye Lovlies

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